Opt Out of Homeschool Summits Family Relationships 2 Emails
Thank you for letting me know your preferences. You are now opted-out of all the emails in this series regarding the Homeschool Summits Family Relationships 2 event. You will not receive any about this event. You will still get all my regular emails that are not about it.
Because I know that sometimes preferences change over time, if there are emails in the future about this event or other events like it, you will receive them. If you do not wish to receive them, you can opt-out again at that time. We do this for your benefit.
And, no worries–you will still continue to receive all my regular emails! If there is anything else I can do for you, let me know. Thank you!
Have A Great Day Making Your Home For God!
I help Christian moms get organized, and have clarity and consistency in prioritizing God’s unique goals for their life, through my courses and coaching.
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