It’s Wendy Gunn at Your Home For God, here. I help Moms grow spiritually, have joy in who God uniquely created you to be, and get your body, home and life in shape for God’s glory, through my blog, resources, and coaching.
If you’re new here,
Welcome to Your Home for God!
Please watch my welcome video, above, when you’re done reading and then go to the Start Here page!
I’m so very glad to have you and love when you stop by! Come on in and let’s talk. What you will find here is a warm, loving welcome, an understanding ear and help for the struggles you face as a wife and mom.
Encouragement, too, to keep on. You’re doing a great job, but you get discouraged sometimes, I know. There is something you can count on me for: a caring heart, and I will always point you back to God, Who loves you more than you will ever realize and Who you can’t make it a day without.
Longing to be closer to God?
You need to cry out to Him and ask Him for help with all your problems, and trust Him to give you the answers through His Word and in answer to your prayers. There is nothing too hard for Him, and you are not alone.
Click on the images to read some of my readers’ favorite posts, and ones I know you’ll love, too.
If you have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, you are never alone, and you need to draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you. Your enemy the devil will flee, too, if you resist him. These are promises.
Remember that God is more interested in your being close to Him and raising Godly children, and making a difference in this world, than you are, and He has the power to actually make it happen.
Read-aloud Character-building Books for Kids
Without Him, you can do nothing, but when you abide in Him and His words abide in you, you will not only bear much fruit, but you will ask what you will, and know that He hears you and know that you have the requests that you have asked of Him. Sweet promises indeed!
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Have a Great Week Making Your Home For God!
P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter, and watch my Facebook live videos. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, Your Home For God. Follow my Spiritual Life, Encouraging Words, Homemaking, Parenting and Homeschooling Boards on Pinterest, where you’ll find tons of great information and things to help you in your home and family. Remember, I’m here for you. Reach out to me with any questions, problems or prayer requests you may have. I’m praying for you!
Wendy Gunn @Your Home For God My YouTube Channel (Subscribe!)