Benefits of Homeschooling
If you’re considering educating your kids at home, you may have researched the many benefits of homeschooling.
Maybe you’ve seen studies on how well homeschooled children perform academically. Or perhaps you’ve researched how an emphasis on reading impacts their future success. Maybe you’ve even talked with homeschooling moms who praise the practice.
But have you talked to someone who was raised in a homeschooling family? If not, my goal is to show you the benefits of homeschooling from the perspective of someone who actually lived it.
Hey! Would you like to Hear about the Benefits of Homeschooling from a Christian Homeschool Graduate?
Confessions of a Homeschool Graduate
So let me introduce myself. I’m Jenny Rose, a 27-year-old Christian content marketing coach and proud wife of Diego Spaudo.
I just took the leap earlier this year to leave my corporate job as an online news director at a Christian magazine so I could start my own coaching business. I love helping Christian entrepreneurs grow their small businesses online!
And while it’s certainly scary to launch out on my own, I can look back at my childhood and see how homeschooling prepared me for this moment.
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You see, my parents homeschooled my four siblings and me from childhood all the way to college.
(In fact—and this might be a bit embarrassing—but my first experience in a public school was for my PSAT. I remember being overwhelmed by how many kids were swarming the hallways!)
My dad, who’s been a pastor longer than I can remember, and my mom trained us kids at home from a Christian perspective. We grew up knowing the gospel intimately and reading all kinds of “living books.” (If you love the Charlotte Mason Method, you know what I’m talking about.)
Although no family is perfect, including my own, I can point to my homeschool experiences and see the direct benefits they’ve had on my life and career.
Benefits of Homeschooling You Should Know
3 Benefits of Homeschooling from a Christian Homeschool Graduate
1. I learned the value of a relationship with Christ.
My parents initially started homeschooling my four siblings and me because they weren’t too happy with the secular worldview taught in public schools.
My parents felt it was important to teach us from a Christian perspective. Believing in Jesus impacted how they taught us character, writing, literature, history, and even science.
In fact, because of this, my mom wrote a lot of her own curriculum, which she now sells to other homeschooling families at
Learning from a Christian worldview has given me the gift of seeing learning itself as a gift from God. And it’s also shown me how science and the Bible fit together instead of seeing them as incompatible.
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But beyond growing up with a Christian worldview, I also learned the value of knowing Jesus.
Knowing Jesus isn’t just knowing the facts about who He is and what He did. It’s believing in Him and trusting Him enough to surrender your whole heart and life to Him. I saw my parents live that out every day—and it taught me to do the same when I was 12 years old.
That decision has completely defined the course of my life, including how I run my business.
Knowing Jesus isn’t just knowing the facts about who He is and what He did. It’s believing in Him and trusting Him enough to surrender your whole heart and life to Him. I saw my parents live that out every day—and it taught me to do the same when I was 12 years old.
Jenny Rose Spaudo
2. I learned the value of close family relationships.
When homeschooling, your family has a lot of time to spend together—and I mean a lot. Sometimes this means siblings having more opportunities to fight. But it also means having more opportunities to build sibling friendships.
This might sound weird to some people, but I can honestly say my family members are still my closest friends! Yes, I’m 27, married to my best friend (after Jesus), living on my own and pursuing my own career. But all that time I had with my family during my homeschooling years taught me how to value those relationships.
I can honestly say my family members are still my closest friends. Jenny Rose Spaudo
I’m not saying homeschooling will make your home fight-free. Far from it.
But you can train your children to love each other, help each other, work through conflict, forgive each other, and enjoy spending time together. (Yes, even during school hours!)
If you do that, you can set your kids up to have lifelong friendships that distance can’t break.
3. I learned the value of hard work and self-motivated learning.
My parents might be two of the hardest workers I know. And they certainly took that trait into their homeschooling!
My mom had high standards for us, and it showed in the assignments she created and the books she had us read. But she also knew how to go at our own pace. Plus, she made our lessons fun with her many crafts, recipes, and creative writing assignments.
a good work ethic was one of the Benefits of homeschooling
But just because our schooling was fun didn’t mean it wasn’t hard work. We didn’t have a bell to tell us when we were supposed to stop our math. We did it until it was done—and done correctly.
Sometimes that meant researching and reading for hours on end so that an essay or report was the best it could be.
Homeschooling’s flexibility allowed us to breeze through the easier assignments and take our time on the lessons or projects that were harder or required more research. I found this type of learning to be much closer to how real life works, especially in the corporate world.
“I know the research skills and hard work ethic that I learned in Homeschooling helped me as a news director. And those same skills help me now as I run my own business.” Jenny Rose Spaudo
benefits of homeschooling: learning to be self-motivated
When I was online news director at Charisma magazine, my bosses didn’t tell me exactly how much time to spend on each task. They gave me objectives, and I had to accomplish them. How I divvied up my time and what research methods I chose were up to me.
I know the research skills and hard work ethic that I learned in homeschooling helped me as a news director. And those same skills help me now as I run my own business.
3 Benefits of Homeschooling from a Christian Homeschool Graduate
Do the Cons Outweigh the Benefits of Homeschooling?
I won’t tell you that homeschooling is for everyone. It’s not the best option for some families, and that’s OK.
Challenges that come along with homeschooling might include:
- Difficulty making many friends since almost all the learning is done at home
Homeschool co-ops and church groups are helpful to combat this challenge. Take advantage of those!
- Not hearing diverse perspectives
Sometimes the benefit of teaching from a Christian worldview can backfire if your child never hears from other perspectives that force her to think critically. I’ve seen several homeschooled grads fall away from the Lord during college because they never had to think through other religions and political beliefs.
- Takes a lot of the parents’ time
Parents set the tone in homeschooling. If parents aren’t fully engaged and making sure their children are disciplined in their work, grades and learning can suffer.
Thankfully, if you’re deciding to homeschool, these cons don’t have to define your home. Ultimately, as you center your family on Jesus Christ and allow Him to shape your homeschooling, it can set your child up for success in every sphere of life!
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Take it from a homeschool grad.
Jenny Rose Spaudo | Content Marketing Consultant and Homeschool Grad
Jenny Rose Spaudo is a Christ-centered content marketing coach and proud homeschool graduate. When she’s not serving clients or spilling marketing secrets on her blog, you can find her soaking up time with her husband, Diego, or mentoring other women in the Word of God. Find her on Facebook and Instagram or email her at [email protected].
Jenny Rose Spaudo
Content Marketing Consultant
CEO | Jenny Rose Spaudo, LLC
Have a Great Week Making Your Home For God!
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