ConvertKit is the best email service provider, and here is why! Here’s my story of what amazing customer service they have and personal care. What they did for me!
There are affiliate links in my blog posts, which just means that when you click on a link and buy a product, it won’t cost you anything extra, but it may give me a small commission, which helps me to continue blogging, so thank you for your support!
Blogging is Influencing
I am a blogger and a Christian. I want to help you to use your gifts and make a difference–in your life, your home, your family–for Christ. Blogging is a big way you can make a difference in the world! Imagine sitting in your home and impacting the hearts and lives of people all around the world! That is the power of blogging today!
The time is now, if you’ve been thinking about starting a blog. If you’ve felt God leading you to do it–Do It Now!
Email List Building is Key
Whether you’re just starting a blog, or you have a blog already and have been doing it awhile, you know how important an email service provider is, because, the number one thing you need to do is build an email list. The best email service provider out there is ConvertKit.
What ConvertKit Did For Me!
ConvertKit is my top choice for email service provider! When I was starting out and had a question, they immediately responded to my email.
Not only that, they treated me like I was their only customer and they were waiting for my email. They treat me like I am their most important client!
I’m a little blogger, guys. I’m just starting up. I used to blog–did it for 4 years–but now I’ve started Your Home For God, a new blog, and things in the blogging world have changed! You need the help of a company that’s big, but personal! Because, now, you need to focus your efforts. You need the analytics, the ability to know what your subscribers need and how to help them, and to be able to connect with your subscribers! My past experience with an email service provider was that I was a nobody. Not so with ConvertKit. They are big, so they can do so many things to help you accomplish all your goals. But, you get allthebenefits of their bigness, with the service of a personal, small company, where they know your name. I have been so very impressed.
They have worked with me on several questions that I’ve had, and they email back and forth with me, until we have solved my problem! Do you know how rare excellent service is these days?
Why I Am ConvertKit’s Biggest Fan
The best thing that a company has ever done, and why I so highly recommend them to you, is that Matt, from ConvertKit, took the time to make a personal video. just for me. You guys! showing me how to solve my problem, and even went in and fixed something that I had done wrong and that needed fixing! Have you ever experienced that kind of personal service from a big company?! I was blown away.
Please look at my Blogging page for more recommendations, and help.
So, today, sign up for ConvertKit! They’ll help you switch over, if you are with someone else. And, if you’re just starting a blog, you need to build your email list, and you need an email service provider that will help you and grow with you. You should get ConvertKit. Free is not going to last for you, and then you’re going to have the hassle of changing, so just start with ConvertKit. There is none better, whether you’re a big or small blogger, have been doing it for awhile or are just starting out! ConvertKit will give you big blogger benefits with small blogger personal service.
Have a Great Day Making Your Home For God!

Through my Coaching and Courses, I help Christians become who God uniquely created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and achieve His goals for their lives. My message at the core is: You were uniquely created by God for a purpose. Who did He create YOU to be, and what does He have for you to do? Book a call to find out how you can be Empowered To Achieve.
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Contact: [email protected]
Disclaimer: There may be affiliate links here, which means that, at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click on a link and click through to make a purchase. You can trust that I will only share and promote products and resources that I would or do use and love and that I know will benefit you.
In Your Home For God Store, discover resources to help you get organized, raise Godly kids, and have the support and encouragement to know who you are, know what God wants you to do to fulfill His purpose for your life, and achieve His unique goals for you!