How to Promote Emotional Security in Children
Emotional Security Emotional security in your children will be planted, watered, and promoted when you begin communicating to them what’s going to happen in their…
Christian parenting is tough. Your goal is to raise Godly kids, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, to have them turn out to be responsible, mature adults who love the Lord! It’s ONLY possible with God’s help and His power! I’ve raised my kids, and we Homeschooled them from start to finish. By God’s grace, they love the Lord now in their 30’s, I’m proud of them, and I thank the Lord we have good relationships with them. Here is help from a mature Christian wife and mom–learn from my mistakes and successes–how to be a consistent Christian parent and to love your children, whether they’re babies, toddlers, preschoolers, tweens, teens, or adults!
Emotional Security Emotional security in your children will be planted, watered, and promoted when you begin communicating to them what’s going to happen in their…
Raising Godly children to please God, in obedience to His Word, is what we would say is our motivation. But, sometimes, we just want to…
Whatever hard thing you’re going through, the only way you really get through it is with Jesus (God, the Holy Spirit)! Hard times are inevitable,…
I help overwhelmed Homeschool Moms raise Godly children. As a veteran Homeschooler, with grown children, Homeschooling Kindergarten on up through the grades all the way…
Children–Expanding My Perspective Might Change Everything I’ve talked about the amazing fact that God uniquely created you, one-of-a-kind, like absolutely no one else on earth…