How to Be Thankful When You Feel Lousy | Your Home For God

How can you be thankful when you feel lousy? How can you redeem the day? Should you even try? You wake up and you feel like you can’t get out of bed and you don’t care about anything. But, there’s so much to do. What should you do?

How to Be Thankful When You Feel Lousy | Your Home For God

How to Be Thankful, When You Feel Lousy

​​​​First, A F​​​​ew Things to Remember and Do

  • You are not alone. God is with you.
  • You are not alone in having these feelings. Everyone has these days once in awhile.
  • Camp out on the truth. Think about what you know to be true—the foundational truths of Scripture.
  • Recite to yourself Scripture that states these foundational truths. 1 Cor. 10:13, Rom. 8:28, Ps. 23, Ps.27 & 127, Isaiah 56:3
  • Ignore your feelings today. They’re not reliable. They don’t matter to what you will do today.

Take care of yourself physically. You may be fighting a bug and coming down with something. Drink lots of water, stay warm, eat healthy food, avoid stressful situations. If at all possible, get some rest, and don’t expect much from yourself today. It’s ok.

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Be Thankful With Your Will and Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Everyone has these days. Remember that you are not alone. Camp out on the truth. Think about what you know is true.

Continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving | Your Home For God

Continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2

10 Things To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything At All

  • Pray on the whole armor of God

    1. Read or listen to the Bible
    2. Pray. Ask God for the strength and direction you need for the day
    3. Make a short list of things you want to accomplish, only the essentials, today. Ask God to help you accomplish His list today, by His grace, for His glory.
    4. Give yourself grace: don’t beat yourself up. It’s ok.
    5. Rest if you need to.
    6. Remember this won’t last.
    7. Ask a friend for prayer.
    8. Do the next thing on the list.
    9. Do the most important thing on the list, or the easiest, but get one thing done. Just one.

    Help Your Family Be More Thankful

    Even when you feel lousy, you can be thankful. But, thankfulness doesn’t come naturally. In your family you must promote it, build a habit of thankfulness, and surround your family with thankfulness! It will help your emotions and attitude if you think of 3 things to be thankful for every morning before  you step out of bed. At the end of the day, ask your Heavenly Father for forgiveness for your sins, and then thank Him for three more things that you are grateful for from your day. Record your emotional well-being on a scale of 1-10 for a couple of weeks, and see if it doesn’t improve! But, it will get better. And, I’m praying for you!

    A Thankful Thoughts Journal | Your Home For God

    A Thankful Thoughts Journal | Your Home For God

    Thankfulness doesn’t just happen. You have to promote and encourage it. “A Thankful Thoughts Journal” is a tool to use in your family! Print one for your tween and teen to use. Use it as a couple for special bonding time! Have your preschooler dictate their thanks and color a picture–bind it together as a keepsake you’ll keep forever! Use it in your morning time or at mealtime as a family! 31 days of journal prompts, inspirational and motivational quotes and Bible verses beautiful enough to print out and frame. Get “A Thankful Thoughts Journal” today!

    Have a Great Week Making Your Home For God!

    P.S.  Struggling with parenting issues? Here’s  my Video Course, “Raising Godly Kids”!

    Wendy Gunn | Your Home For God

    Wendy Gunn provides tools and encouragement to young Christian moms to help them succeed in parenting, Homemaking, and life.

    Subscribe to My YouTube Channel for more Encouragement and Tips!

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