I’m here today to tell you that you CAN Dream Big, and you CAN Reach Your Goals! You CAN Increase Results, and Succeed at achieving your goals! Please Dream with God, and see what He will Do through YOU!
There are goals that God has for you, and you need to work hard to achieve them. Other goals are within your grasp, and God would do them, you simply need to ask. Here is a list of what I would encourage you to do to dream big, and start achieving your goals:
Dream Big, Increase Results, Reach Your Goals, and Succeed!
- Pray and ask God to help you hear from Him.
- Look around you and see what situations or goals might be right in front of you.
- Dare to Dream Big! Believe that you can change yourself, your situation, and your sins, with God’s help, for His glory.
- Ask God for help and then evaluate and research what you will need to accomplish the goal.
- Categorize your goals by: spiritual, mental, physical, and include things like verses to memorize, books to read, places to go, people to see, skills to learn, areas to organize, habits to change, etc.
- Set goals for 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years.
- Dare to Believe that with God, you can do BIG things!
Get Organized HQ 2020 Organize and Streamline Your Life
Some of the BIG goals that God wants you to achieve may look like: showing respect to your husband, raising Godly kids, keeping your house orderly and clean, showing hospitality, eating the right amount to keep your weight in line, and being disciplined in your work. Ouch. Yeah, those are BIG goals! But, with God’s help–YOU CAN!!! Dare to believe.
He may have called you or pushed you into Homeschooling this year. There are BIG dreams and BIG goals that God wants to accomplish through you! You can do it!
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What are you afraid of? I believe some of us are afraid of failure, but some of us are afraid of success. Some of us don’t try anything too hard or too big, because we have been told all our lives that we can’t do it. You may have been told not to call attention to yourself, and that that’s spiritual pride. You may have been told that God will do what He’s going to do, and you need to just stand back and watch. There are all kinds of twisted lies and half-truths mixed into that belief.
What i read about goals in the bible today
I was reading in Nehemiah today and Nehemiah had a BIG, HUGE Goal, and here’s what jumped out to me from this historical record, as told in the Bible.
- Nehemiah had a passion and a goal: Jerusalem’s walls were broken down and the city was a mess. He went to God with it, repented, fasted, and prayed, crying out to God for mercy, and help. (Nehemiah 1:3: “…the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire.”
- He was deeply touched by a need and wanted to do something about it. He thought deeply about it and came to decisions.
- When the king asked what he wanted to do, he shot up one final prayer to God, but he was ready with an answer, and then spoke up with a detailed plan of action.
- Nehemiah was not afraid to ask for specific help and supplies to achieve his goal.
- He didn’t just wait for God to do something, he moved forward and took action. He didn’t talk (or brag) about his plans beforehand, but discreetly gathered facts, and looked at the situation for himself.
- Nehemiah was not afraid to delegate, and didn’t try to do everything by himself. He was humble enough to lead.
- He made a specific plan of assignments for the workers so they knew what their job was and where they were to work.
- Over and over it says that God was acting, but Nehemiah worked, planned, and set people in place to do the work. He also was prepared to fight those who opposed the plan and goal, if necessary, and to guard and protect his workers.
- When his plan was attacked, Nehemiah kept working, and pressed on, though there was opposition.
- Nehemiah believed in God and believed in his goal. And he didn’t stop until it was accomplished.
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what nehemiah did before he reached his goals
After mourning, fasting, and praying for days, he repented and asked God forgiveness for his sins and the sins of his nation. Nehemiah 1:5-6–“And said, I beseech thee, O Lord God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his commandments: Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now, day and night, for the children of Israel thy servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel, which we have sinned against thee: both I and my father’s house have sinned.”
Nehemiah 1:11–“O Lord, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy name: and prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man. For I was the king’s cupbearer.” He made a plan to talk to the king, but he went to God and cried out to Him, first, and asked God for favor in the sight of the king to give him his request. He was successful, and rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem in record time. God blessed and answered and he reached his goal!
ALL Glory To God as you reach your goal
Right now, you know God wants to do something. You’ve been thinking about it as you read. You know. Pray and cry out to God to change you, change your situation, and help you hear from Him what He wants you to do. Spend time in His Word and in prayer. And expect Him to answer.
Click to Get Your Free Pretty Printable Scripture Cards. Use them all over your house to draw your family closer to the Lord!
Why Don’t we Reach our Goals?
Fear, instead of faith, consumes us. We aren’t convinced of our goals. We haven’t confidence that what we are doing is God’s will. We let the opposition (words and actions of others) affect us. We cower instead of fighting.
We overthink. When prompted to do small deeds of faith or kindness, we hesitate, instead of taking action. Determine to obey God’s Word and to listen to God, not the world, or the devil.
I Can Succeed With God’s Help!
Aim for the finish line
Many of us are so focused with the many things in front of us that have to be done, and we forget to step back and look at the big picture. Some day you and I will face the LORD God Almighty, and I don’t know about you, but I want to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
As you do the little things each day that you must, see how they fit into the big goals of a lifetime. As you teach, train, and take care of your children, realize you’re raising a generation that will lead the world tomorrow, and be intentional to pass on the faith in Jesus Christ that you have!
As you do all the little things for your husband, think of it as service to the LORD, and pray for your husband, be faithful in the little things. “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.” Luke 16:10 Aim to hear from God, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”
What if Getting Organized is My Goal?
Reach Your Goal of Organization!
If one of the goals you struggle with, like I did, and sometimes still do, is organization, I have good news for you, and help is here for you! One of the best online conferences you’ll ever attend is finally here: Get Organized HQ Event begins today!!!
Get Organized HQ is a FREE event, 100% online, and each session will be available to view for 24 hours, so you don’t have to show up right when it goes live. All you need to do is plop down on your couch with your device and tune in when it’s convenient. No need to leave the house, hire a babysitter, or change out of your comfy clothes.
Get Organized HQ 2020
Act Fast to Claim your Free Ticket or Get the All-Access Pass to Get Organized and reach your goal
But, I hear you: You’d like to join in but this week isn’t a good time.
If this is you, I have great news! (Or if you’re reading this after it’s started and you missed the sessions you most wanted to hear!) There is actually a premium experience that you can purchase to get lifetime access to all of these sessions plus other great bonuses like audio downloads for listening on the go–which I know you love to do–a full, edited transcript of every session and more. If that sounds like it’s perfect for you, you can click here to learn more. The All-Access Pass gives you lifetime access and the bonuses are very worth the cost.
I don’t so wholeheartedly rave about conferences like I am about this one. But, I have attended events put on by Laura Smith of I heart planners (which is who is organizing this event), and they were really well done, excellent and valuable in content, and I’m still benefiting from what I learned. You are in for a treat. This is going to be a wonderful week, and I don’t want you to miss it! (This week, Sept. 14-18, 2020) You can click right here to claim your free ticket! If you know you want the All-Access Pass, click here.
Looking for less stress and more peace in your life? Get Organized HQ 2020 can help!
Remember, you need to Dream Big! You can increase your results, reach your goals, and succeed! If you need more tips and support, read all my posts on Organization, and Goals!
Hope You’re Having a Great Week Making Your Home For God!
P.S. Check out the resources at Christian Marriage Adventures for better communication and a stronger marriage today!
Struggling with parenting? Here’s my Video Course, “Raising Godly Kids”! There’s a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so there’s nothing to lose! Get help today!
I help overwhelmed moms grow spiritually, with joy in who God uniquely created them (and their families) to be, raise Godly kids, and get their lives organized for God’s glory, through Mentoring, Courses and Coaching.
Subscribe to My YouTube Channel for more Encouragement and Tips!
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