“I like your style!” My care for fashion, like a tiny shoot peaking up out of the ground in spring, was understated, cautious, and prayerfully decided. Therefore, those never-before-heard words of affirmation (did I mention that “words of encouragement” is my love language?) were like a gentle rain soaking the parched ground of my heart and soul, promoting growth. I needed to hear them, more than I knew.
After spending too many years severely overweight, I wanted to look good. I hoped it was in a Godly way, and I told myself that I brought no glory to God by looking unkempt, dowdy, and inappropriately dressed. I reminded myself that the Proverbs 31 woman took care of her appearance, as well as her household. It is true that God looks at the heart, but it is also true that man, who I desire to represent Christ to, looks at the outward appearance! With these thoughts, I felt really good when I received a compliment on “my style” for the first time in my life!
How Much Should a Christian Woman Care About Fashion?
No, I don’t care too much about fashion. But, after losing 50 pounds, I had no clothes to wear that fit me, and I’d resisted buying much–I didn’t want to waste money by only wearing the clothes for a short time–during my weight-loss. Time and thought had gone into what my new approach to fashion would be (I’ll talk more about that later), what my budget could allow, and the new persona I would have with my new style in a trimmed-down body, now that I could wear more current trends!
While you’re trying to lose weight, but are not down to your goal weight yet, (and maybe you don’t have the desire, time, or money to buy new clothes) Spanx can help you look like you’ve lost the weight, or more weight than you have, get rid of the bulges, and make you just plain look better in your clothes!
Look At Me Now Seamless Leggings, Mini Leopard
How to Care about Fashion as Christian women is a controversial topic. For some of you, I will be stepping into very liberal ground even bringing up the subject. Other readers will not be able to accept how conservative I am. How to dress and the subject of fashion is personal and spiritual, a topic that, for some, is foundational to your righteousness, and for others it is a topic that is “off-limits”: “I will dress however I want, and you can’t say anything about it! I am free in Christ.”
The topic of care about fashion for Christian women is important, I believe, and it does relate to our spiritual life, and the Bible does not avoid talking about appearance and dress. In His Word, God refers to the dress of both women and men. The Proverbs 31 woman was dressed in silk and purple (“She is not afraid of the snow for her household; for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.”) In other words, she and her household were dressed warmly for winter, appropriately, and VERY well, thank you. Scarlet, silk, and purple referred to the dress of the wealthy. In Proverbs 7:10-11 (KJV) a woman is referred to as dressed in the “attire of a harlot.”
And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.
11 (She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house:
(In my opinion the sentence also describing her as not staying home much, is just as important, but do we Christian women take much notice of that?) In other places the Bible mentions the extraordinary beauty of Sarah.
Do I Need to Ask God What to Wear?
My point is that the Bible does talk about looks, appearance, and dress. Sometimes it’s a Godly woman spoken of, beautiful, dressed exquisitely, and sometimes it’s an ungodly woman, whose dress tells the world what kind of woman she is. And, there are other mentions that we’ll take a look at, as well.
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Just talking about the subject of our outward appearance, especially as women, has been discouraged in my experience and life, with those who discouraged it pointing to verses such as 1 Samuel 16:7, where it says, “But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” But, we have to get dressed. So, let’s do it well, modestly, beautifully, and appropriately!
And, then there is 1 Peter 3:3-4 which says,
“Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.”
Also, the Bible makes special mention in Isaiah 53:2 that Jesus’ appearance would not cause men to follow Him. “…he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.” He was “nothing special to look at,” apparently.
How Much Should a Christian Woman Care About Fashion?
Care About Fashion Too Much or Too Little
I don’t think the above verses make these things–living in a Christ-like way, and talking about appearance and clothing–mutually exclusive. I think just one way we sin is when we either place too much or too little importance on the outward appearance–clothing, looks, appearance–and the sin is in our heart, first and foremost, as always.
I don’t pretend to know the definitive answer or to be able to give you the last word on this topic, or to know exactly the mind of Christ on this subject. Like everything else in our lives, I refer you to go to Scripture, talk to God in prayer, pray for wisdom, and come to your own beliefs and convictions about discretionary topics. Let’s agree to disagree from the outset. We will definitely not all agree on this topic.
Want a more Christ-centered home? Get my system for Raising Godly Kids, “A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids.”
A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids
Oh, and might I suggest this is an area where we definitely should not beat each other up verbally, and please think about Jesus’ words in your comments, being kind, “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” We are going to be unique in our dress. Or at least I hope we will be. I use the word unique in its best sense!
We will also have different standards–I hope arrived at prayerfully, and with study of Scripture. We will probably offend someone in our dress, but I pray that we won’t offend on purpose, and we won’t offend many, and that we’ll have a clear conscience, but most of all that we’ll allow God to have Sovereign rule over how we dress, as in all areas of our lives, and that He’ll have the freedom as Lord and Savior in our lives, and be invited, to tell us when we are sinning in our dress, and that we will not believe that our righteousness and heavenly destination is determined by how we dress!
Does God Really Care About Fashion?
If You Just Follow Your Friends and Don’t Care About Fashion
If you dress exactly like your friends, I will ask you to examine your heart. I did that–dressed just like my friends. That was during a time of comparing, copying, and coveting, and great confusion in my heart about the fact that God had uniquely created me and had a unique story He was writing in my life and our family’s life. I thought we should copy our friends, and I should be just like my friends, in order to be Godly and raise Godly kids. My godliness–my righteousness–was a set of rules. I had set up my own standard of righteousness. God calls that sin.
“I thought I should dress just like my friends to be Godly. I thought we should be just like our friends in order to be Godly and raise Godly kids. I had set up my own standard of righteousness. God calls that sin.”
So, I go into this topic, not dictating what you should do, but bringing up the conversation–raising the topic–not to have a big debate, but so that we will all go to God and His Word and ask Him what He thinks about the way we dress! I will share with you some of my thoughts, convictions, concerns, but you must know that they are not written in stone. They not only could change, but God is the One Who must lead you, and if you are married, your husband should lead you, too. And, since you are uniquely created by God and He is writing a unique story in your life and your family’s life, why on earth would you look exactly like me?
Do I Need to Ask God What to Wear?
Sarah was a stunningly gorgeous woman. The Proverbs 31 woman was dressed in silk and purple. How Should a Christian woman care about fashion and her appearance? Should she care about fashion? How much? We’ll be talking about this topic in the weeks to come. Come back often, bookmark this page, and Subscribe to Your Home For God so you don’t miss it!
Want a more Christ-centered home? Get my system for Raising Godly Kids, “A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids.”
A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids
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