Getting Organized
It is a great time for getting organized. Have you done any organizing lately? I went through all my clothes (summer and winter!) and closet, de-cluttered, and sorted to give away. We live in Minnesota, so we have four seasons, and twice a year have to switch out the clothes for a new season. Is there one job in your home that you hate more than all others? That might be putting it a little strong, but it isn’t my favorite. So, I felt a great sense of achievement when I got this done!!! Here are pictures and how I did it!
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Impactful Habits Organized Home Online Course
Have you heard of my friend, Abby Lawson? Abby blogs at Just A Girl And Her Blog, where she teaches how to organize beautifully, makes the most lovely printables to use in organizing your life and is “Abby Organizes.” She came out with a fabulous course, Impactful Habits Organized Home, that has helped me, and will help you go through 6 critical areas of your home, declutter, organize, and even make them beautiful! Clothing is one of them.
Getting My Clothes Organized
Step 1:Â Get all your clothes in one place.
How I am getting organized with clothes
Getting Organized in My Closet
Step 2: Â Empty out the closet
Step 3: Â Gather three boxes, large bags, or baskets (or make space for 3 large piles)
Step 4: Â Title 3 pieces of paper (or record in a document or spreadsheet online) with these headings: To Keep, To Give Away, and To Store.
Step 5: Â Write down on the Give Away sheet the item categories (e.g. Women’s Short-sleeved Tops) and make tally marks as you add to that pile. This will make it easy when you come to the donation part. (This is because my husband likes me to have a written document of everything we donated, and we used to use it for tax purposes:)
Getting Organized Feels So Good When You’re Finished!!!
Wendy Gunn
Take The Opportunity To Clean The Area
When an area is clear of all that was in it is a great time to clean it! It’s so much easier then. Dust, vacuum, wash off the shelves, whatever is needed.
Step 6: Â I did not try on each piece of clothing. I kind of knew what fits and what doesn’t. Because it’s difficult for me to get rid of things, when I am doing this project of getting organized with clothing, I do not second guess if I think I should get rid of it. My goal is to only keep what I really feel fantastic wearing, the clothing that I get rave reviews on each time I wear it, the clothing that makes me feel special, and is in good condition.
Getting organized in my closet.
Maybe you are like me, and you think that you need to save money on clothes, so you go to thrift stores. I did a lot of thrift-store shopping back in the day. What I have found is that it was easy to accumulate a LOT of clothes, because I would think, “Oh, it’s so cheap, I’ll just get it, and if I don’t like it, I’ll just get rid of it, or give it to someone else who will use it.” That was a mistake. It caused me to have so many clothes that it became a burden, and took time, energy, and even cost me money in bins, hangers, etc., to store them.
Buy Quality Clothing As Cheaply As You Can
My buying habits have changed. I now purchase quality clothing, but less of it! And, I get it at outlet stores, thrift stores that have name brand clothing, and I buy on sale. I will be doing a series soon and talking about things to consider before purchasing clothes, in order to save money. Buying a massive amount of “cheap” (in quality as well as cost) clothing cost me more money, and cost me in other ways, too, in the long run.
“Buying a massive amount of ‘cheap’ clothing cost me more money, time, and energy, in the long run.” Wendy Gunn
Once You’ve Organized
After you’ve sorted through the clothes, and have 3 sorted stacks of clothing, hang up what you’re keeping.
Place dollar amounts next to the categories and tally up the amounts of the clothing you’re giving away. Use garage sale amounts, but don’t be too stingy. There are handy guides online if you search.
Fold and store in clear bins, or your favorite method, the out-of-season clothing. We are blessed to have a Cedar Closet, where we keep our out-of-season clothes. Designate a specific place for this. Perhaps a spare bedroom closet, attic, basement corner, etc.
Schedule a Pickup for Your Donated ClothingÂ
I donate my used items to the Salvation Army. They have a number you can call to arrange for your items to be picked up. All I have to do is place them in plastic garbage bags, write on the outside “SA” for Salvation Army, and put them on my front step (my choice) on the day of pickup. In the phone call, I let them know how many bags there are going to be, and they ask what category of items they are. They tell me available options of date and time for pickup. Pretty simple! If you would prefer to drop your items off, do it immediately! You don’t want them sitting around for 6 months!
Impactful Habits Organized Home Course with Abby Lawson
Some of these tips are mine, and some are included in Abby’s course plus MUCH MORE, Impactful Habits Organized Home, which I encourage you to sign up for. You also get a ton of ongoing support and fun in the Facebook group, as well. We have access to Abby there, and get to see before and after pictures, hear questions from others, and ask our own! It has been great to be a part of this group, and super motivational!
I think we always assume that our mess is way worse than anyone else’s. That may or may not be true! It’s comforting to know that we all struggle with organization, and to be more vulnerable about that fact! It’s a kind of sisterhood! I hope you will share how you are getting organized! Pics are always welcome!
Have a Great Day Making Your Home For God!

Through my Coaching and Courses, I help Christians become who God uniquely created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and achieve His goals for their lives. My message at the core is: You were uniquely created by God for a purpose. Who did He create YOU to be, and what does He have for you to do? Book a call to find out how you can be Empowered To Achieve.​​
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