How to Show Love In Your Family Relationships
We want strong family relationships, and pray for that all the time! We’re trying to raise Godly kids, and show the world that Jesus is the answer to their problems. I wrote in this post about loving imperfect people how Jesus is our Perfect Example of how to do that, but, wow, I want to just say, I am the imperfect person, who others need to learn how to love. God is showing me I need to learn how to love my family better to have strong family relationships. Do you feel that way, too?
While Jesus walked on earth, He showed such patience, mercy, kindness, to everyone. And, He shows it to me every day. I am that person: hurting, demanding, rude and unkind. Too often. I am the needy person. I am that imperfect person and can be so difficult to love!
I want to share some thoughts on how God has built strong family relationships in our home and family in hopes of encouraging you that you can have strong family relationships, too.

Click to Get YourFree Library of Pretty Printable Scripture Cards. Use them all over your house to draw your family closer to the Lord!
Read and Share These Posts in the Series on Family Relationships:
- How to Have Healthy Family Relationships
- 3 Simple Things To Do to Have a More Thankful Family
- How to Be a Good Parent (Click here to find out about the Parenting Online Conference, coming back FREE for the week of April 6-10, 2020, and sign up now!)
- Prayer, Example, and Training in Parenting(YouTube video)
- How to Encourage Respect for Daddy in Your Children (YouTube video)
- How to Stop Being a Repeating Parent
- Children–Expanding My Perspective Might Change Everything
This Online Summit below is coming back better than ever and FREE for one week–April 6-10, 2020!–get it to improve your family relationships and get help in parenting!

The Homeschool Parenting Summit Online Conference is Coming Back Free for one week and Better than Ever April 6-10, 2020!
Jesus Wrote The Book On Loving Imperfect People, Literally
Read the Bible. Jesus wrote the Book on loving imperfect people! Yes, He did! That’s such good news for you and me, isn’t it? He loves us, perfectly, imperfections and all! Family relationships are between imperfect people. We need to learn from Him how to love imperfect people.
Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I will only promote things that I believe in, and think will be helpful to you! Your purchases help support this ministry and website without extra cost. Thank you so much for your support! It means the world to me.
You Have a Unique Family and Strong Family Relationships Are God’s Plan
Do you have the mindset, like I did when raising my children, that if I just get that list of the “Right Things To Do” to raise Godly kids, and do them, I’ll succeed in raising Godly kids?!
I thought I could find that list, and do it. Boy, was I surprised that trying to copy all my Godly friends and do what they did, wasn’t God’s plan for me. And, copying your friends’ lives and living out their list isn’t God’s plan for you, either.
I learned that God uniquely made me and our family and was writing a unique message to the world through what we were going through and how we were getting to know God, and finding Him faithful in our trials. We were developing a message that was uniquely ours. No one else has the same message. Because, no one else is designed like us or gone through what we have. He’s doing the same thing in your family, as you experience problems and go through trials.

How are your family relationships? Want to know how to build strong ones?
Your Strong Family Relationships Will Come Through Trials
You’re experiencing trials. Struggles, pain, suffering, problems. God knows. He’s there. He’s your answer, your help, your everything.
You’re experiencing trials. Struggles, pain, suffering, problems. God knows. He’s there. He’s your answer, your help, your everything.
Here is How God Gave Us Strong Family Relationships
When I went through cancer, it strengthened our family relationships as we turned to Him. When we couldn’t have children for the first seven years of our marriage, it strengthened our family relationships as we learned to trust Him. It built strong family relationships when we were struggling to teach and train our children, and they were disobedient, and we didn’t know how to discipline them and we cried out to God. And He showed us the way.
It gave us strong family relationships as we learned how to work together, and taught our children Godly character. We learned how to discipline, how to model obedience to God, and how to love God as a family. We learned on our knees crying out to God for help. We learned from the Word of God. It gave us strong family relationships turning to God for our answers in humility.
There are no shortcuts. You have to live out your life, building strong family relationships, as you live in daily dependence on God, trusting Him when you have no answers, and going to Him in prayer.

Click to Get YourFree Library of Pretty Printable Scripture Cards. Use them all over your house to draw your family closer to the Lord!
The Only Rule Book for building strong family relationships is The Bible.
Wendy Gunn
There’s Only One Book For Strong Family Relationships
You are unique, but God will uniquely apply His Book, the Bible, to your family situations, and your problems. That’s where you’ll find the answers. He’ll guide you and give you wisdom.
It’s not simple, easy, or a list. It’s a relationship. You are modeling a relationship with God to your children. You’re showing them how to live life. It’s your example they’ll follow, not of being perfect, but of knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do! Messing up and asking forgiveness. Imperfectly, though trying to obey God, living life. Growing in Christ, getting to know God more, and understanding the Word of God better. Knowing the Loving Heavenly Father, trusting Him, crying out to Him, finding Him absolutely faithful in every situation of life that they could possibly go through!
Even If There Was A List, We Could Not Follow It
Even if I’d found that list of the “Right Things To Do” to raise Godly kids, I would not have been able to follow it perfectly, because I’m a sinner. The only way to raise Godly kids and have a strong family relationship is by the grace of God. It is His doing, and He gets all the glory. Thank the Lord that He uses our good, bad, and ugly for His glory, and works all things together for our good.

The Homeschool Parenting Summit Online Conference is Coming Back Free for one week and Better than Ever April 6-10, 2020!
Romans 8:28-29:
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
“By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life.”
Proverbs 22:4
Read and Share These Posts in the Series on Family Relationships:
- How to Have Healthy Family Relationships
- 3 Simple Things To Do to Have a More Thankful Family
- How to Be a Good Parent
- Prayer, Example, and Training in Parenting (YouTube video)
- How to Encourage Respect for Daddy in Your Children (YouTube video)
- How to Stop Being a Repeating Parent
- Children–Expanding My Perspective Might Change Everything
We want strong family relationships and we’re praying for that all the time, and well we should. It’s because of Jesus that’s it’s remotely possible. He’s our answer. Has God given you answers in your family and relationships this week? Encouragement? Share in the comments!
Read the great posts in the HELP! For the Homeschool Mom Series. Click to read my post in the Series, “How to Homeschool Without Comparing, Copying, or Coveting,” and get my FREE EBook, “Your Kids For God” Available when you click through to the link at My Joy-Filled Life, available ONLY THROUGH April 7th! Read the helpful posts, get ALL the Freebies, and Enter the Giveaways, which are amazing!

Click to Get YourFree Library of Pretty Printable Scripture Cards. Use them all over your house to draw your family closer to the Lord!
Have a Great Week Making Your Home For God!
P.S. Get my New Video Course, “Raising Godly Kids”! Recently reduced price. It will be life-changing. I promise. (But, there’s a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so there’s no risk to you.) Check it out.
Don’t forget to Subscribe to get your Free set of Character Quality Cards, (everything you need to know is there to begin Character Evaluation times with your kids) and Pretty Printable Scripture Cards that coordinate to help you get your kids memorizing Bible verses easily!
Click here to Get your copy of My EBook for the Help You Need Raising Godly Kids, “A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids”!

I help Homeschool moms know God better, know their worth and potential as women uniquely-created-by-God, stop comparing themselves and copying other moms and families, and teach them how to raise Godly kids who will rise up and call them blessed someday, through Mentoring, Coaching, Courses and Ebooks.
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