How To Be a Good Parent How to Succeed in Parenting

Life Is Made Up of Millions of Small Things

I’ve been thinking about the small things in life. I’d like to help you be not only the good parent, but the Godly parent, raising Godly children, that you so want to be. That requires attention to the small things in life and being faithful in them. Don’t underestimate the small things, the seemingly insignificant choices and actions, in life. Small things add up to big things.

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Do you want to know How to Raise Godly Kids, Control devices, and Create an Appetite for Spiritual things in your family? Purchase your copy now of my Ebook: “A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids”! Click on the image!

A lifetime is made up of millions and millions of.….minutes, small choices, little acts, and small things.

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Don’t despise the small things!

Do Not Despise The Small Things

I want to encourage you: “Don’t despise the small things.”The little moments and small efforts you make every day towards order and discipline in your home and life, for instance.

Small Things: A Practical Example

This got me to thinking about all the things you can do in 10 minutes, or less! Stay with me! This applies to Parenting, big time!

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Small Things You Can Do In 10 Minutes

Years ago when I was a new bride, I put off loading the dishwasher because it was such a “big” job. Then one day I timed myself. It took me less than 10 minutes! Time yourself while doing your most loathsome job! Perhaps it’s a small job, after all.

How Many Small Things Can You Do in Under 10 Minutes

You can do each of these things in under 10 minutes: Unload the dishwasher, clean out a sock drawer, wipe down the handles on the kitchen cabinets and drawers, straighten the linen closet, pick up the family room, call a friend and encourage her (it truly is possible to keep it to 10 minutes, but if you’re like me, this one’s a little more challenging:), read a story to a child, write a note to an elderly person (like Grandma!), write a thank you note, straighten the laundry room and wipe down the appliances, clean the top of the stove and inside of the microwave, memorize a Bible verse, pray for your city, state and country (Subscribe and get my free list of prayer suggestions for country, state and local authorities). I’m sure you can think of many more things you can accomplish in under 10 minutes. 

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Click to Get YourFree Library of Pretty Printable Scripture Cards. Use them all over your house to draw your family closer to the Lord! 

Small Things You Can Do In 10 Minutes

  • Unload the dishwasher.
  • Clean out a sock drawer.
  • Wipe down the handles on the kitchen cabinets and drawers.
  • Straighten the linen closet.
  • Call a friend and encourage her.
  • Clean the top of the stove and inside of the microwave.
  • Memorize a Bible verse.
  • Pray for your city, state and country.
  • Pick up the family room.
  • Read a story to a child.
  • Write a note to an elderly person (like Grandma!)
  • Write a thank you note.
  • Straighten the Laundry Room and wipe down the appliances.

Today I tried to see what I could get done in the 1 minute waiting for my cup of coffee to reheat! You’d be amazed!

Small Words and Little Hurts Are Not Small Things

Do not despise the small things. The small words: Thank you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you.

The “little” loving touches you give to your family. The little hand on the shoulder that says, “I’m here for you,” the little squeeze of the hand that says, “I Care.” The look into someone’s eyes with a tender smile of encouragement.

Your Home For God, he-that-is-faithful-in-that-which-is-least-is-faithful-also-in-much-and-he-that-is-unjust-in-the-least-is-unjust-also-in-much

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. Luke 16:10

Small Things That Are Really Big

  • The little loving touches you give to your family every day.
  • The little hand on the shoulder that says, “I’m here for you.”
  • The little squeeze of the hand that says, “I Care.”
  • The look into someone’s eyes with a tender smile of encouragement.
  • Saying little words: Thank you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you.

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Click to Get YourFree Library of Pretty Printable Scripture Cards. Use them all over your house to draw your family closer to the Lord! 

 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

Luke 16:10

The Small Things of Child Training Are Huge Things

Do not despise the “small” acts of faithfully training your children that nobody sees.

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Don’t despise the small things!

Following through for the umpteenth time consistently disciplining your toddler.

Taking your little child back to the store to ask forgiveness of the store owner and confess to stealing that “little” thing and making her return it.

“Do not despise the ‘small’ acts of faithfully training your children that nobody sees.”

Wendy Gunn

Small Seeds That Grow to Be Mighty Oaks Inside Your Child’s Heart and Soul

  • Little words spoken repeatedly to your child grow in their heart and memory. These can be good or bad, so choose them wisely! Plant seeds of truth and love each time you lovingly tell your child God made you, He loves you, I love you, you are fearfully and wonderfully made—look at your toes and fingers, nose and eyes–God’s going to do great things through your life, every time you change their diaper, get them dressed, feed them, or do any of those routine small things throughout your days.

Other small things, but so important, are

  • that minute of prayer before you hop out of bed in the morning, and
  • the minute you take to teach your child a Bible verse. I heard someone quote a well-known pastor this week as saying that
  •  the most important thing you do for your child each day is to spend time in the Word and in prayer in the morning. And, to do whatever. it. takes. to make your Quiet Time happen!

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Small Things You Can Do In 10 Minutes

  • The few minutes of prayer with your children before every meal, before bed, when they disobey, when they’re afraid, when they’re hurting are not small things.
  • The time you take to read the Bible verse to them when they’ve disobeyed you and need repentance and restoration, and which shows them how God views their sin.

“A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness in a little thing becomes a great thing.”Plato

The perpetual calendar in my room says, “A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness in a little thing becomes a great thing.” PlatoThe Bible says, “He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much!” (my paraphrase)

Faithfulness in Small Things Is The Biggest Thing

Your faithfulness in the small things will reap eternal rewards. When you combine being an example of faithfulness in small things, with Biblical teaching and training, doing small things with a good attitude, while working hard and doing your best, and praying to the Lord Jesus faithfully for your children, these are like the 3 legs of a stool that stands firm and makes a solid base to stand on.

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He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. Luke 16:10

Christian Parenting Course

I am in the process of preparing a course on Christian Parenting. The first part will be free! I can’t wait to share the details with you! Sign up to be the first to hear how you can get it in the tab at the top of my homepage

There is no easy 3-step process to becoming a good parent. But, if we follow God’s ways, obey His Word, and trust in Him, we are well on our way on the right path. As I raised my now-grown children, I made many mistakes. I learned so many things. God was very gracious and merciful. 

I’d like to help you to be not only the good parent, but the Godly parent, raising Godly children, that you so want to be. Watch for more information on the Christian Parenting Course, as we get closer to launching it! In the meantime, if you have questions or specific things you’d like to see answered, let me know in the comments below or shoot me an email!

Have a Great Week Making Your Home For God!

P.S. Don’t forget to Subscribe to get your free Library of Scripture Printables and make sure and pick up a copy of my EBook, “A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids”!

post signatureChristian Blogger, Wendy Gunn,

I help overwhelmed moms grow spiritually with joy in who God uniquely created them and their family to be, raise Godly children, without comparing, copying, or coveting, and get their lives in order for the glory of God, through mentorship, Ebooks, courses, and coaching.

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