How to Get the Homeschool Help You Need | Your Home For God

Homeschool Help Is Available

Do you wonder how to get the Homeschool help you need?  No matter where you are on your journey in Homeschooling, let me encourage you, Homeschool mom, you are not alone. There are a host of veteran Homeschool moms, and others who have wisdom and knowledge to share, ready and waiting to help you! You don’t have to do it on your own! There are moms who have finished well, and are willing to give you Homeschool help!

How to Get the Homeschool Help You Need | Your Home For God

How to Get the Homeschool Help You Need | Your Home For God

In this day and age there are also resources available, living books that you can get online (and sometimes from the library, though that is getting rarer).

Ask God to Guide You to the Homeschool Help

First and foremost, go to the LORD for help. We forget to go to God and ask Him for help until we’re desperate, don’t we? We try everything we can think of ourselves and then when that doesn’t work, we go to God. Go to Him first.

How We Homeschool Series

How We Homeschool–A Month long series of help from veteran Homeschool moms, with giveaways and fun!

Our circumstances of blessing came in response to desperate prayer, and need on my part. First I had nothing, and knew it, and cried out to God! Over time, He provided more than I could have asked or thought.

Trust that God will provide, and will Himself be your Provision, and if He knows that you need more, that He will arrange for you to have it.

How will you find the Homeschool help you need | Your Home For God

How will you find the Homeschool help you need | Your Home For God

Discern which are godly homeschool mentors and resources

Not all mentors and resources are created equal. Learn to pray over and be very cautious of what you accept into your life to influence you. One of my husband’s favorite quotes is, “Be careful who you let stand before you to teach you.” Jerry Gunn

Are they basing what they teach on Scripture? Do they have good fruit? Are they new converts, or are they still raising their children, and you don’t know yet whether their fruit will stand the test of time?

I quote this verse a lot, but I’ve seen the failure to do this as the #1 reason that families fail to raise Godly kids. The Bible says in Proverbs 13:20, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

I pray that I am a Godly mentor, and that you will always find me faithful. I am available. See the bottom of this post for all the ways you can connect with me, and here are the things to do:

1) Subscribe to get all the goodness that my inner circle gets:)

2) Get “A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids” which will help you have the mindset you need, and control your devices, get your focus, and discipline, and know what to do next!

3) Get my course, “Raising Godly Kids” which will flesh out how to have the Godly family you so desire, know what to pursue and what to eliminate, and give you the courage and support, and the details you need to make it reality

Get your Pretty Printable Scripture cards | Your Home For God

Click to Get Your Free Pretty Printable Scripture Cards. Use them all over your house to draw your family closer to the Lord!

I don’t know anyone who has Godly character, either in the Bible or in real life, who hasn’t come through trials.” Wendy Gunn 2020

The Homeschool Help May Come Through Trials

I wonder if you’ve ever realized that when you’re desperately praying for your children to become Godly, to learn manners, to increase in Christ-like character, to be more like this person or that one, who you think are wonderful examples–that the answer to your prayers will come through trials. I don’t know anyone who has Godly character, either in the Bible or in real life, who hasn’t come through trials.

God’s answer to your prayers for help to raise Godly kids will almost certainly involve going through trials. But, our Loving Heavenly Father will also give you strength, help, wisdom, support, encouragement, His presence, and a host of other blessings with the trials to get you through, as you learn lessons in faith, patience, long-suffering, and trust in His unfailing love and help through them. And, He will write a unique, life-changing message through you and your family of His faithfulness to you!

“My brethren, count it all joy when ye

fall into divers temptations;

knowing this,

that the trying of your faith worketh patience.”

James 1:2-3

Don’t be too proud to admit you need help

Don’t be afraid to ask questions! No one knows everything, and chances are that someone else has the same question you have, and will benefit and be grateful that you asked! Be humble enough to ask for help!

Get encouragement from more than one source. You may find that one person can give you help with the Math textbook problem, and another can encourage you with children who have character issues you’re working on, and someone else may know of a great Art teacher in your area that is the answer to your prayers! Keep your eyes and ears open, and network, both in person and online!

Homeschool resources online

Speaking of online resources, when we were Homeschooling, I would have thought I’d died and gone to heaven to have at my disposal all the Homeschool moms and the help that there is online today! When we started out, I knew of only one or two moms who were thinking of Homeschooling. I joined a co-op, and met more. Though co-ops have some good about them, there were too many negatives in regards to how much of our time and energy it took, plus the pull of the world that it included (even in a “Christian” co-op), so we quit after a few years. 

Then, God answered my prayers when we moved and I met a group of Godly Homeschool moms and got plugged into a Homeschool community that provided me with support and encouragement in an informal setting. They also introduced me to wonderful Homeschool mentors in TEACH, so I truly was blessed. God will answer your prayers, as well. Count on it.

Read “living books”! Get to know which authors and illustrators are excellent and be discerning about what you read. Train your children’s character through their “wise companions” in books! Read-aloud times were the best part of Homeschooling!

Buy Books For Children You Love | Your Home For God | Wendy Gunn

Buy Books For Children You Love

I put together my own system eventually which was a timeline-based, history-and-literature-based approach. We read excellent books–living books–as I said. We used the library, but the libraries toss out the great older books when they have the budget to do so, unfortunately, in favor of new and not nearly as character-building, and Godly, books. Get to know authors and series that are excellent. Use my post on The Best Character-Building Books For Kids for a start! 

Then begin to purchase books for your own home library. I have had the privilege of loaning books to other Homeschool moms for years, because of our home library. And, many of the best books we have ever read are no longer in print! So, I’m so glad I bought them when I did!  (You can find them sometimes through inter-library loan.) When our children grew up and left home, they each took their own library with them, as well–their treasured and beloved books!

Get your Pretty Printable Scripture cards | Your Home For God

Click to Get Your Free Pretty Printable Scripture Cards. Use them all over your house to draw your family closer to the Lord!

So, if you wonder how on earth you’ll Homeschool and where to get the Homeschool help you need, I hope you’ll be encouraged that you are not alone and we veteran Homeschool moms are ready and willing to help you. And, that there are many online resources, and you should pray and choose wisely–look at the fruit and consider well the source of the teaching–but do avail yourself of the help that is out there.  You don’t have to do it on your own! There are moms who have finished well, and are willing to give you Homeschool help!

Have a Great Week Making Your Home For God!

P.S. Struggling with parenting? Here’s  my Video Course, “Raising Godly Kids”! There’s a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so there’s nothing to lose! Get help today!

I help overwhelmed moms grow spiritually, with joy in who God uniquely created them (and their families) to be, raise Godly kids, and get their lives organized for God’s glory, through Mentoring, Courses and Coaching.

Subscribe to My YouTube Channel for more Encouragement and Tips!

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