God Told the Older Women To Teach the Younger Women To Love Their Children, So It Is Something Learned
This is the first post in my Series that will run all through February. We think a lot about love in February, primarily because of February 14th, Valentine’s Day. We usually focus on romantic love, but I’m going to talk to you all month about an important topic that I don’t think gets enough emphasis, “How to Love Your Children.” In the book of Titus 2 in the Bible, God instructs older women to teach younger women to love their husbands and to love their children. Each week in February, I’m going to share with you my insights on “How to Love Your Children” and focus on a different age group each week.
This first post is all about How to Love Your Baby! I love babies! Besides my experience with my own two children as babies, I’ve cared for babies in several families as a nanny. If God told older women to teach younger women to love their children, then it isn’t automatic for a mother to know how to love her baby.
Why don’t I love my baby?
You may have felt so guilty when you didn’t feel towards your baby the way you thought you should. You’ve been shocked to find it difficult at times to love that little person. I have encouraging words for you. There are a few things that I want to teach you so you will know how to love your baby since God tells older women to teach younger women to love their children in Titus 2!
Feel like a failure? Tweens and teens aren’t listening? Kids addicted to social media? Or maybe you are! Things out of control? Do you crave connection, yet feel alone, even when together? Here’s help from someone who’s been there on how to get out. Click the image below and buy my Ebook, “A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids” now!
Love Your Baby!
Series on “How to Love Your Children”: Read them All!
- How to Love Your Baby Isn’t That Difficult
- How to Love Your Toddler or Preschooler
- How to Really Love and Train Your Tween
- Powerful Secrets How to Parent Teen and Young Adult Children
I hope you’ll join me each Thursday as a new post comes out and read the whole series! Subscribe so you don’t miss out on any of the posts and to get all the awesome freebies available, too!
I feel so guilty…
This won’t be an exhaustive course, but I will be looking to the Lord to direct what I share, as He has specifically instructed me, as an older woman to teach you this. I now understand why the older women were kind of missing-in-action when I was raising my children–I’m sure they felt totally inadequate at times, like me, and lacking in wisdom to instruct, and didn’t feel that they had all the answers.
However, I will by God’s grace speak something to you of value on the subject, if nothing else, in obedience, and trusting that God will give me words to say, and use my experience and even my mistakes to help you.
How to Schedule Your Home and Baby
Simple Instruction on How to Love Babies
Ah, babies. These little ones happen to be my favorite age.:) My instruction for loving them is going to be fairly simple.
- Look in their eyes with a pleasant or even smiling face all the time (as much as possible).
- Establish a consistent routine (aim for an almost clockwork-like schedule) that they can count on.
- Make your home a calm, peaceful place
- Be confident, calm, and know that God has given you authority and ability to care for and train this child
How do I get it all done with a baby?
20 Tips For Living With and Loving Your Baby
- Say no to most everything the weeks before the baby is born and when they are a newborn and think and pray (be cautious) about taking on any new responsibility or activity in their first year.
- Sleep when they sleep: don’t try to catch up on everything, rest is of primary importance.
- After feeding and changing, while baby is happily entertaining himself for a time, take the opportunity to do a little housework, laundry, clean up the kitchen, etc.
- Plan ahead for simple meals.
- Follow a regular schedule: plan when you will do laundry, buy groceries, make meal plans, when during the day you will prepare supper, etc.
- If baby has not arrived yet, plan and prepare ahead as many freezer meals and make-ahead crockpot meals as you can.
- Also if baby is not here yet, declutter, and put things in order now, as much as possible; set up routines that you can do mindlessly by the time baby arrives.
- Schedule help, ask for help, and accept any and all help offered (perhaps there’s a young neighbor girl who’d come in and keep an eye on baby for an hour so you can do some of the most pressing tasks?)
- Expect imperfection in yourself and your home and there may even be some dropped balls; plan to forgive yourself.
- Give yourself grace and be patient with everyone.
- Don’t compare yourself with anyone in any area.
- Don’t read all the Baby books out there.
- Do stay in the Word of God and in prayer.
- Let some things go (laundry can be caught up, even if you have to take it all to the laundromat and pay to do it all at once later!)
- Enjoy time with your baby: place your phone in another room when you’re feeding baby, and instruct older children to play quietly, and give toddlers and preschoolers something to do that they only get to play with during this special time).
- Don’t forget your husband.
- Keep a grateful heart.
- Keep records to help you remember what you’ve done and milestones.
- Play children’s Scripture songs and sing to your child.
- Read Scripture to your baby; put Scripture over their crib or changing table, next to where you nurse or feed your baby their bottle–everywhere–and think on it and read it to your baby every day. Fill your home with praise to God, and His Words to you.
Feel like a failure? Tweens and teens aren’t listening? Kids addicted to social media? Or maybe you are! Things out of control? Do you crave connection, yet feel alone, even when together? Here’s help from someone who’s been there on how to get out. Click the image below and buy my Ebook, “A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids” now!
If God said it was something that younger women have to learn from the older women, then it isn’t something that you just automatically do or know how to do!
Click to Get YourFree Library of Pretty Printable Scripture Cards. Use them all over your house to draw your family closer to the Lord!
Series on “How to Love Your Children”: Read them All!
- How to Love Your Baby Isn’t That Difficult
- How to Love Your Toddler or Preschooler
- How to Really Love and Train Your Tween
- Powerful Secrets How to Parent Teen and Young Adult Children
Have a Great Week Making Your Home For God!
Generous (character quality card from Set of 30 Character Quality Cards)
P.S. Don’t forget to Subscribe to get your Free set of Character Quality Cards, (see below for one example) and Pretty Printable Scripture Cards that coordinate! Click here to Get your copy of My EBook for the Help You Need Raising Godly Kids, “A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids”! Get my New Video Course, “Raising Godly Kids”! Use Coupon Code HALFOFF to get 50% off the price through the end of March 2020! This course could be life-changing for you and your family!
I help overwhelmed moms grow spiritually with joy in who God uniquely created them and their family to be, raise Godly children, without comparing, copying, or coveting, and get their lives in order for the glory of God, through mentorship, Ebooks, courses, and coaching.
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