Your Home For God, How-to-Teach-Your-Children-About-Suffering-In-Life

We need to prioritize our spiritual relationship with the Lord.

When I put God first, when I make a commitment to reading God’s word and praying, He meets me there. He stretches my time and makes the other things come together.

Your Home For God, How-to-Teach-Your-Children-About-Suffering-In-Life

As I was raising my family and so busy, I would often find that that thing I worried about not getting done or “How on earth is the week going to work?”–because it was way too busy–now, everything fell into place. 

Something got canceled or postponed, due to sickness or a snowstorm, or someone took one of my commitments or responsibilities for me, (a husband or a friend), or God had it level out some way.

In the time I took to spend with God, He filled me with peace and put praise and joy in my heart through knowing He was there with me. And, He gave me a testimony to share with others of His provision, power, and blessing, just as I’m doing with you now.

It is not God’s will for you to sail through life with nothing going wrong. Setting goals and priorities and succeeding at everything you aim to accomplish! It does not mean you’re out of God’s will when your day does not turn out the way you’d planned.

You are teaching your children about God and how to live a devoted relationship with Him, as you throw up your hands and ask Him, “What now, Lord?”

As you seek His direction, heed His correction, pray about everything, ask forgiveness of your husband and them, when you sin, and are getting guidance for all you do from the Word, you’re pointing the way to Christ. This is the path of life with Christ. 

Your individual life and that of your family–as your story is lived out day-by-day–is going to be SO UNIQUE! One of a kind, as God writes it!

The trials, unique problems, mistakes and circumstances, sickness, issues you face, etc., that He allows–and sends–to your life–to shape and to conform you to His will and the image of His Son–are not going to match up to anyone else’s. They make up a story that is singularly yours! This is your message to the world, from Him, of His faithfulness, power and Love. 

Am I a soldier of the cross? Will I float through life on a bed of ease? As the hymn says.

Do I expect an easy life? When Jesus had one of Sorrows? Jesus learned obedience through the things which He suffered. Do I expect to learn it a different way?

Am I trying to keep my children from experiencing any trials or suffering? Is that really God’s will?

Teach, train, be an example. Tell your children the Truth. Turn them to Him. It’s not about taking the easy way, the path with no problems. Obedience to God will be learned through suffering. 

Prepare for it and give your children the tools to deal with it when it comes. Coming up in this series: we’ll talk about some of the tools it’s your responsibility to teach them to use.

Am I a Soldier of the Cross (words to the hymn) 

Have a Great Day Making Your Home For God!

Wendy Gunn helps Christian entrepreneurs embrace who God created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and achieve God's goals for them, through her courses and coaching.

Through my Coaching and Courses, I help Christians become who God uniquely created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and achieve His goals for their lives. My message at the core is: You were uniquely created by God for a purpose. Who did He create YOU to be, and what does He have for you to do? Book a call to find out how you can be Empowered To Achieve.​​


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