Child Training is a 3-Legged Stool
I heard this analogy many years ago, and it is so good, it has stuck with me through the years. Child Training (Parenting), is like a 3-Legged Stool!
Watch this 2-Minute video to hear the whole story!
Are you emphasizing training, relying on yourself to do it right? Are you either feeling pretty good about yourself as a parent🙂 or feeling like a complete failure in your child training?
Training Children Is Our Responsibility, But By the Grace of God We Can Raise Godly Children
Christian Parenting Is Tough
It is a mystery, for sure, how God uses people to accomplish His work. We do have to be responsible, as parents, and it does matter what we do, and we feel it no where more than in our role as parents, trying to raise Godly children.
But, training is only one leg of the stool! If we are not practicing what we preach, and our example tells a completely different story, or undermines our training, the stool of our parenting is wobbly, or falling over. And that’s only 2 of the legs of the stool! The third is Prayer, which I think is the most important leg, in some ways!
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Watch this 2-Minute Tip and subscribe to Your Home For God.
“You need the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit in raising Godly children.” Wendy Gunn
One of the most important character traits we want to train into our children is an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness. Want to promote respect and an attitude of gratitude in your home and family?
I recommend surrounding your family with Scripture on the walls, Biblical sayings on tables and home decor that reminds them of God’s Word and the very attitudes you want to cultivate everywhere they turn in your home! Place Stones of Remembrance, as the Bible calls them, to cause your children to ask, what is that, and gives you a chance to proclaim What God has done for you!
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Training your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, requires us to remember to be on our knees continually begging God for the help we need in raising Godly children. And, looking to His Word for guidance on how to raise them, being responsible to teach and train them well.
All the time, confessing our sins before the Lord and them, seeking Him, obeying His Word, and living out an example of humility and fear of the Lord before our children. I say our, because, even when you have grown children, as we do, we need to be exemplifying an attitude of humility, obedience and fear of the Lord. By God’s grace, you will succeed in training your children and raising Godly children for His glory!
Have a Great Day Making Your Home For God!
I help Christian moms raise their kids according to Biblical principles, get organized to manage life, achieve their unique God-given goals and dreams, and fulfill God’s purpose for them to make a difference in the world through my workshops, courses, and coaching founded on Biblical principles. You are already successful in many areas. I can help you in those that you’re not. Dream big dreams, and see God transform and use your life in amazing ways! Let’s work together for your success!
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