Set Goals You Accomplish | Your Home For God

I’m here today to tell you that you CAN Set Goals you accomplish! Start consistently crushing your most important tasks. Prioritizing what’s really important to you and God. You can. You’re looking at living proof. Nothing special about me, but I’ve lost almost 50 lbs., experienced victory over bitterness in my heart and gone from being a procrastinating perfectionist, and a disorganized inconsistent starter, but never completing person, to someone others call organized and who can be counted on when events and systems need to be organized! (*Progress, not perfection!!! I am on the journey still, and have a long ways to go yet on my goals, but I’m being molded daily by my Heavenly Father, Who is so patient, gracious and merciful!)

I Can Succeed With God's Help | Your Home For God
I Can Succeed With God’s Help!

How did that happen, and how can you succeed, too? Do you want to know what tasks to accomplish, prioritize them, and then crush them? To Set Goals You Accomplish?

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links, which just means that I may get a small commission if you click on an link and as a result make a purchase. I only recommend products and services that I use and love myself, or know to be excellent quality, and that you will love them! 

How to Organize Your Kitchen to Save You Time | Your Home For God
How to Organize Your Kitchen to Save You Time, 19-page guide by Wendy Gunn

By God’s grace, I’ve accomplished some major goals. I’ve raised children to adulthood who love the Lord Jesus and with whom we have close relationships. I’m proud of them.

I’ve Homeschooled those children start to finish. One went on to college and has a degree and a good job. Another is married and pursuing her dreams and serving the Lord. By God’s grace, I’ve been married to one man for over 42 years. At one time I was almost 90 pounds heavier than today. I’ve lost 50 lbs., twice! Now I am close to my wedding weight. Planning large and small events is something I’ve done often, as well as hosting groups of all sizes. I don’t share these things to boast, but to give you hope that you can have the satisfaction of crushing God’s goals for you. You can have clarity, His power to be consistent, and prioritize and accomplish what He purposed for you to do on this earth. You were made for a unique and wonderful purpose, friend–to bring God glory!

Your Home For God, why-you-must-change

My Goals Accomplished Are ALL Glory To God

You may have set goals before. Expectations were and you may have had hopes and dreams that everything was going to be suddenly different. By simply being determined and enthusiastic, everything would change, so you made plans and assumed you’d succeed…but it only lasted a short time, and then, once again, you gave up and quit.

Right now, you know God wants you to change. And, you want to change! What is wrong, then, when you have set the goals and made the plans? Why isn’t everything different?

God is in the business of changing hearts. He isn’t interested in outward conformity to a set of rules, but a relationship with you that completely changes your life! Prioritizing, clarity on what He wants, and how to achieve it, and the power to change are what He offers. He’s changed me and I have learned how to set goals and accomplish them. I want you to do the same! And, I know you CAN!!!

Set Goals You Accomplish | Your Home For God
Set Goals You Accomplish

Starting a blog– If one of your goals is to start a blog, and you want to make a difference and/or an income, go to my Blogging Page for my recommendations! This is one of the goals God’s given me grace to accomplish–twice:)

Why Do We Fail To Accomplish Goals?

Part of the reason we fail when we set goals is our foundational focus and mindset. We don’t realize that in order to change habits, we need a heart change. And, we don’t realize that setting goals and accomplishing them is also a skill to develop. At the foundation of our failure is that we don’t know God or who He made us to be! You are uniquely-created by God for a purpose! You are meant to bring glory to Him, and He wants you to have clarity on His priorities for your life and His goals for you!

Are you ready to go on a Journey from Heart Change to Habits Change? It all starts in the heart.

Have a Great Day Making Your Home For God!

Wendy Gunn helps Christian entrepreneurs embrace who God created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and achieve God's goals for them, through her courses and coaching.

Through my Coaching and Courses, I help Christians become who God uniquely created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and achieve His goals for their lives. My message at the core is: You were uniquely created by God for a purpose. Who did He create YOU to be, and what does He have for you to do? Book a call to find out how you can be Empowered To Achieve.​​


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Disclaimer: There may be affiliate links here, which means that, at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click on a link and click through to make a purchase. You can trust that I will only share and promote products and resources that I would or do use and love and that I know will benefit you.

In Your Home For God’s Store, discover resources to help you get organized, raise Godly kids, and have the support and encouragement to know who you are, know what God wants you to do to fulfill His purpose for your life, and achieve His unique goals for you!

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