Where to Put things in the kitchen
Today I want to talk to you about How to Organize Your Kitchen to Save You Time! It’s essential that you do not despise the small things: minutes and snippets of time, as you work at improving in this area. This is key to progress in organization.
When I started timing myself to find out just how much time certain jobs that I had been procrastinating actually took, and found out how little time it took to do them, it was life-changing! One example is that I would put off loading and unloading the dishwasher. Well, unloading. I don’t know why, but I would far prefer to load the dishwasher than to unload it.
How to Organize Your Kitchen to Save You Time
So, there it would sit with clean dishes, while the dirty ones piled up on the counter! I would pile (neatly, of course) the dishes, and wait for a perfect time to get that “big” job done! And my kitchen would get messier and messier! I didn’t have dishes to use, because at that time it hadn’t occurred to me to use the clean ones from the dishwasher, either! And, my conscience was not clear. Now, don’t judge. We all have our failings, and this was a long time ago (wink:)
When I thought to time myself unloading and loading and found out it took literally under 10 minutes, it changed my life!
I’ve shared what my failing was. Do you know what your failing is? Do you know what’s keeping you from being disciplined? What is the quirk about you or the thought in your head that keeps you from doing that job or thing in front of you that needs to be done? I think it’s really important to know what trips us up. What tempts you? And, do you know what is tripping up your child?
I used to be a procrastinator. I’ve found that out about myself. And slothful, too, at times:( True confessions.) I will look at the job and think it’s going to take a long time, or be difficult. My flesh rises up and says, “I don’t want to do that now! I’m tired and I just want to crash. I’ve already worked really hard today, and that’s all I’m going to do.”
Want to be organized in your routines, get your home organized, and have the peace of an organized life? Get your FREE Checklists for Consistent Routines by Subscribing today! Then purchase my Workshop, Busy Mom Organized Life!
Thankfully, I’ve trained a little voice to start talking inside my head (or maybe it’s the Holy Spirit:). “You’re going to leave that mess there? It wouldn’t take very long to get it cleaned up. Why don’t you do at least part of it?”
I’ve been feeding that voice a lot over these last years, and starving the one that says, “Don’t do it!” and the disciplined voice is now stronger most of the time than the voice that tells me I deserve to just go and veg for awhile!
We are all different, but for me–the rebel–if I give myself permission to only do as much as I feel like, and to quit whenever I want, I will 99% of the time finish the job:) I just need to start.
We are all different, and it’s important to know yourself–and this is why it’s important to know your kids, too–but for me–the rebel–if I give myself permission to only do as much as I feel like doing of a job like unloading the dishwasher, and tell myself I can quit whenever I want, I will 99% of the time finish the job:) I just need to start.
Wendy Gunn
How to Organize Your Kitchen to Save You Time | Your Home For God
Get Your Kids involved in Kitchen organization
I recorded an audio message for you about kitchen organization, how to think intentionally, how to set up a baking center, where to put things in the cupboards, pantry, how to keep your countertops clear, how to get your kids involved, and what jobs they can do, and more! Listen to it below!
(This post got way too long already, so I’ll talk about specific jobs that different ages can do in more detail in a separate post, but if you listen to this audio message, I’ve already included quite a few in it, as well as in the post, “A Proven Homeschool Schedule For Your Success.”)
Kitchen Organization
Washing the dishes right after supper, or running the dishwasher, and washing off the counters– getting it done–will affect how you look at your home the next morning and your whole mood for the day. I like to say that my kitchen smiles at me when I have taken the time to clean it the night before.
How to Organize Your Kitchen to Save You Time and Teach Your Kids to Help! Your Home For God
Do your children know what jobs to do to make a “completely clean kitchen”? Do they know when they’re done? My husband used to ask me this question, “How do they know when they’re done?”
This was an issue for us when we were raising our tweens and teens! Over and over I had to call a child back into the kitchen because they hadn’t done something that I considered part of the job!
I Gave My Kids A Checklist for Kitchen Cleaning
Create A Kitchen Cleaning Checklist For Your Kids
After some time, and a lot of frustration, I created a detailed checklist of everything that they needed to do to have completely cleaned up the kitchen after supper. They were teens by now, and old enough to do a thorough job. If you are starting with a young child, pare down the responsibilities, work with them, have them help you, doing small jobs.
Then, as they grow, add responsibilities, but don’t expect them just to know what to do! They need to be trained! If you don’t know how to do the job well, have someone teach you, or find a video to watch together, but don’t use that as an excuse.
I also wrote on the checklist who was responsible for what task, which day. They had all the info in order for them to leave the kitchen knowing it was clean. I put it inside a plastic sheet protector, and clipped it to the fridge door, so they had no excuse that they didn’t know (which I’d heard more than once!).
Want to be organized in your routines, get your home organized, and have the peace of an organized life? Get your FREE Checklists for Consistent Routines by Subscribing today! Then purchase my Workshop, Busy Mom Organized Life!
This really worked! Yay! It eliminates a lot of frustration and I didn’t need to lose my temper, because the checklist told them everything they needed to know!
Obviously your child needs to be old enough to read, and this is probably a system that works after you’ve trained them in each of the jobs that are part of cleaning the kitchen.
“Create a Kitchen Cleaning Checklist For Your Kids, so they know when the job is done! Do this for any job they seem to never get done right the first time!” Wendy Gunn
Steps to Get a Kitchen Clean in the First Place
Gather 3-4 bags, boxes, or containers, depending on how messy your kitchen is, and how big it is.
- One will be for things to throw away, but that are too big to be thrown in the garbage, or shouldn’t be.
- The second will be for papers to recycle.
- The third will be for things that belong in the kitchen, but need to find a new home.
- The fourth will be for things that belong in other parts of the house.
Get my complete guide to How to Organize Your Kitchen to Save You Time! Includes all the tips, tricks, hacks, and a guide to jobs your kids can do to help by age!
Click to Get the complete guide on “How to Organize Your Kitchen to Save You Time!” by Wendy Gunn
Here are Steps to Take to Get Your Kitchen Clean and Organized
- Do all the dishes. Get everyone to help. If this is a huge job, do this project in two steps, and the rest can be done later.
Get everything put into the box or container that belongs elsewhere. Don’t get sidetracked by putting them away at this time.
- If there are things on the floor besides the garbage container/waste basket, move them to the appropriate bag or box, or the one for things that stay in the kitchen, but need a different home.
- Clear the counters completely: clean the items (such as the toaster, coffee maker, and water kettle) as you remove them.
- Wash the counters with hot soapy water and dry them with a dishtowel.
- Wash off the outside of the cupboards (if this is a really big job, just do the handle areas).
- Wash off the appliances, and scour the sink, including cleaning the traps. (For stainless steel sinks, I like SOS or Comet pads.) The baskets can go inside the dishwasher.
- If you have an eating area that’s attached to your kitchen, do the same first four steps there, too.
- Put only those absolutely necessary items back on the counters, thinking carefully as to where the best location is for them.
- Put away the things in that box or bag, throw the other things, and decide on locations for the items that need a new home. (Listen to my audio message, if you need help deciding where to put things.)
- Put the rest of the things that you use, but not as frequently, inside the cupboards or in a storage area in another part of the house, (if they’re only used a few times a year, for instance; and maybe this is the time to put that thing aside to sell, give away, or throw.). (We’ll clean and organize cupboards on another day.)
- Now everything should be cleared and cleaned on the outside: the counters, sink, appliances and floor.
- Wash the floor.
How to Organize Your Kitchen To Save You Time and How Can I Get My Children To Clean The Kitchen Like I Want It Done?
It’s important to have a place for everything. It doesn’t have to be the “perfect” place. Just decide! Once you know where things go, you can quickly put things away. Some families have labels, or drawings to indicate what goes where, but if you are regularly training your children, they should remember. Again, don’t let them use this as an excuse–train them where things go.
The kitchen is often called the heart of the home, and you use it every day. Not only that, as a Christian woman you serve the LORD as you practice hospitality, bring meals to those who are sick, or who’ve just had a baby, or as you extend sympathy to those who are grieving. For many other reasons, you serve using your kitchen as a ministry that shows the love of Christ.
Therefore, it behooves you to make your kitchen as organized as possible, so that you can save time when you’re working in it! For, we all know that time is so precious to you! The kitchen is also a great training ground for your children and a organization tool in your Homeschooling. If you put a little work into it, and then establish systems to keep it orderly and clean, and are diligent, it will become a place you enjoy being in, and you and your children (and your husband, if he also likes to cook or bake) can enjoy preparing food and baked goods for your family, friends, and others you minister to, for a long time to come!
Want to be organized in your routines, get your home organized, and have the peace of an organized life? Get your FREE Checklists for Consistent Routines by Subscribing today! Then purchase my Workshop, Busy Mom Organized Life!
Get my complete guide to How to Organize Your Kitchen to Save You Time below! Includes all the tips, tricks, hacks, and a guide to jobs your kids can do to help by age!
Click to Get the complete guide on “How to Organize Your Kitchen to Save You Time!” by Wendy Gunn
Have a Great Day Making Your Home For God!

Through my Coaching and Courses, I help Christians become who God uniquely created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and achieve His goals for their lives. My message at the core is: You were uniquely created by God for a purpose. Who did He create YOU to be, and what does He have for you to do? Book a call to find out how you can be Empowered To Achieve.
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In Your Home For God Store, discover resources to help you get organized, raise Godly kids, and have the support and encouragement to know who you are, know what God wants you to do to fulfill His purpose for your life, and achieve His unique goals for you!
Wendy! This is such a helpful post! I’m with you on feeling slothful and procrastinating at times. I have said the same thing, “I’ve worked hard all day I’m done, I’ll just do this tomorrow.” It always adds up and I dread getting out of bed and seeing a messy kitchen. I’ll start praying for strength, energy and the time to get this job done. It helps keep my life running smoothly if it was. Blessings to you and yours!
Lauren, thank you! So glad it was helpful!!