Your Home For God, what-is-your-motivation-to-love-people-at-church

Series on “Hospitality as Family Ministry”

What Motivates Your Love For People At Church

What is your motivation to love people? Do you show the love of Christ to others–in your church and outside of it? The passage of Scripture that came immediately to my mind when thinking about what to write today about Hospitality, was from James 2. I was surprised. And, frankly, I was convicted. I wonder if you will be, too. Do we have “respect of persons” when showing hospitality and loving people at church? And, perhaps, also when inviting people to our homes?

Your Home For God, Hospitality-As-Family-Ministry-3-Part-Series

Hospitality As Family Ministry – 3 Part Series

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Let’s Review What Hospitality Looks Like At Church

This was intended to be a three-part series, and then the part on Showing Hospitality at church kind of grew! So, now we have a 5-part series. Have you read the other parts on Showing Hospitality at Church? I mentioned that I think it’s a great idea to take a week off about once a year and visit a new church, if for no other reason than it gives you a whole new perspective on how it feels to walk into a church that you’ve never been to before as a visitor! 

If you haven’t visited a new church in some time, try to remember how that feels! I don’t care how long you’ve been a Christian, or whether the inside of a church is the most comfortable place in the world to you, you will feel awkward and insecure visiting a church for the first time! You don’t know what to expect. You’re the outsider, and you assume that everyone else knows each other, even if you know it’s not true! Be sensitive to others’ needs. Try to be helpful, while not overwhelming them with information.

Your Home For God, are-you-showing-hospitality-at-church

Are You Showing Hospitality at Church?

Practical Love For People Is What Hospitality Is

From a practical standpoint, if a visitor comes to your group (at church, or anywhere), do you say hello and seek to make them feel welcome? We must show hospitality when we’re outside of our own home as well as inside.

Be welcoming, give helpful information, and then introduce the visitor to another person or family from your church, and move on to the next visitor. You may want to keep a little notebook handy to write down at least their first names, and some general information about them, to help you remember them the next time they visit. Read the previous posts, as there is way more good information in them than this, but I want to move on to our subject at hand today.

There’s nothing that says, ‘I care’ more than remembering a person’s name the next time you see them, and if you also remember details from your previous conversation, so much the better!” Wendy Gunn

Never mind visitors, do we even show love to the people in our church who we know and worship with every Sunday. Perhaps some who we don’t like, or don’t feel comfortable around? 

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How to be Prepared To Show Hospitality At Church

Do We Show Partiality In Hospitality At Church

These are the verses that came to mind as I prayed over what to share with you today. James 2:1-4, 8-9:

“My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons. For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment; And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:  Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts? If ye fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,’ ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.”

Your Home For God, are-you-showing-hospitality-at-church

Are You Showing Hospitality at Church?

Why Do We Choose To Show Hospitality To People

What goes into your decision about who to invite to your home? Who do we choose to invite (to our church or to our home)? Do we invite only those who are beautiful, well-dressed, popular, leaders, people who would make us look good to be seen with them? Successful people? People who seem to have Godly families and no problems?

Do we invite only (or prefer to invite only) people who live in nice houses, and who have nice things? Do we try to get to know those who have expensive toys or do fun activities, in hopes that they’ll invite us to share or participate? Do we invite people who are in the “in” group? 

Do We Prefer To Invite (and show love to) These People?

  • Those who are beautiful, well-dressed, popular, leaders. 
  • People who would make us look good to be seen with them.
  • Successful people.
  • Do we try to get to know those who have expensive toys.
  • People who seem to have Godly families and no problems.
  • People who live in nice houses.
  • People who have nice things.
  • Do we try to get to know those who are involved in fun activities, in hopes that they’ll invite us to share or participate.
  • Do we invite people who are in the “in” group.

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Steps To Show Hospitality At Church

Convicting Questions About My Heart to Love People

Do we want to be part of the class or small group that seems to be having so much fun? And, do we only invite those who we have “something in common with” to our home or spend time with them at church? Is that what hospitality is about? It seems that God has some harsh words about that.

When we’re at church, do we ask God, “Lead me to who You want me to talk to, Lord. Guide the conversation to whatever You want. If there are needs, help me see them, and use me today.” Or do we always sit with “our friends” and talk to those we feel comfortable with?

Your Heart Is God’s Home Where He Invites Others In

Your heart is God’s home, and He desires to love and speak to others through you and your life. Is there openness, sensitivity to others, even awareness of others, or are you only thinking about yourself, your list, your desires, what you’re trying to accomplish, and your own problems?

We often are so consumed with our own things that we don’t even see the opportunities and needs that God places in front of us in our day, and the ways He wants to use us. Or we don’t want to take the time or make the effort, or inconvenience ourselves. When you’re at church, what is your attitude?

Jesus was willing to be inconvenienced. He paid attention to individuals. He loved when it cost Him everything.

Wendy Gunn

What Is Jesus’ Example Of Loving People

If a visitor comes to our group (at church, or anywhere), do we say hello and seek to make them feel welcome? Do we show hospitality when we’re outside of our own home?

What is God’s way, as exhibited in Jesus’ life?

He loved us before we loved Him. While we were yet sinners, (when we were very messed up) Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) He sacrificed, He went out of His comfort zone, He risked rejection, He gave, He was unselfish, He took time, He poured Himself out. With no expectation of anything in return. (Romans 5:8) He sacrificed, He went out of His comfort zone, He risked rejection, He gave, He was unselfish, He took time, He poured Himself out. And, He did all this, as the Son of God, Who should have been worshiped. How humiliating, how condescending. How loving.

This is our example. Let us follow in His steps.

Show Hospitality At Home, At Church, Everywhere

Jesus is our example. Let us follow in His steps. This week, pick one or more of these practical steps to take to show hospitality at church, and reach out to someone. Ask God to lead you to the one or ones He wants you to talk to. Show hospitality–show the love of Christ–everywhere, especially at home, and at church.


Your Home For God, Hospitality-As-Family-Ministry-3-Part-Series

Hospitality As Family Ministry – 3 Part Series

Read and Share all the posts in this Series:

Have a Great Week Making Your Home For God!

I help moms with the overwhelm. To grow spiritually with joy in who God uniquely created you and your family to be, raise Godly children, and get your body, home and life in order for the glory of God, through Ebooks, courses, and group and individual coaching.

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