Redeem this Year with a Calm, Christ-Centered Christmas
This can be the year you Schedule for a Calm, Christ-Centered Christmas! The year may have been a washout in every other way, but you can redeem the year, by how you plan and Schedule for a Calm, Christ-Centered Christmas (CCCC)! Let’s go into the holidays and end the year great! This is an 8-week series with a Schedule for each week that if you follow, you’ll be pretty much ready for Christmas by Thanksgiving.
Christmas is coming. If you plan to be ready, finished with the major parts of your Christmas preparations by Thanksgiving, you can relax, enjoy spontaneous celebrations, spend time with family and friends, do little special activities that you never have time for, and you can focus on Christ.
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Click on the links below to Read all the Posts in “How to Schedule for a Calm, Christ-centered Christmas” (8-Weeks’ Schedule):
- Week 1: How to Schedule an Amazingly Calm, Christ-Centered Christmas
- Week 2: 12 Steps for a Calm, Christ-centered Christmas, Week 2
- Week 3: How to Get Organized for the Holidays
- Week 4: How to Actually Have a Wonderful Christ-Centered Christmas
- Week 5: How to Keep Christmas the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
- Week 6: How to Be an At-Home Missionary this Christmas
- Week 7: How to Get Organized for a More Meaningful Christmas
You can read the Christmas story, memorize Luke 2 with your children! This is the year you’ll have time. This is 12 Steps for a Calm, Christ-Centered Christmas. (Read Week 1 Schedule an Amazingly Calm, Christ-Centered Christmas here.) Let’s plan some margin in (that white space at the edge of the pages of our life), for the interruptions, which are inevitable, and so that we can read a book by the fire to our family, sip hot cocoa and reflect on what Christmas is all about. Picture that.
Get my All Is Calm Christmas Bundle to upgrade to get all the bonuses, including this 8-Weeks to A Calm, Christ-Centered Christmas Planner/Calendar of Printables:
8-Week Printables for a Calm Christ-Centered Christmas| Your Home For God
The Plan and Countdown
- As I write this, there are 11+ Weeks to Christmas
- Start Now and you can be done planning by Thanksgiving
- You CAN have a Calm Christ-centered Christmas this year!
Schedule a calm Christ-centered Christmas
Right now we have a little more than 8 weeks left until Thanksgiving. (12 weeks until Christmas).
This year practice, and next year add a month on at the beginning to have an even more calm, Christ-centered Christmas! What does a calm, Christ-Centered Christmas look like to you? Maybe it means serving the poor and homeless in your community. Perhaps you’ll spend more time visiting Grandparents and extended family who may be gathering and you can join in. You might want to host an event–this might be the year for an evangelistic tea in your neighborhood! Or just spend more time with your family! Think about your goals, and what a calm, Christ-centered Christmas would mean to you, and let’s plan for one!
Maybe you will spend extra time in a Bible Study that you’ve wanted to do, even invite a friend to go through it with you. Will you read books to your children about Jesus’ birth? It might be fun to do some crafts that you never have time for! What extra time means to you because it’s a calm, Christ-Centered Christmas, will be different to each individual and family. You will learn things to do differently next year.
I encourage you to embrace the fact that when you plan, you have way more control. You can decide what you want to do. With 8 weeks instead of 12, you may have to hurry a bit at the beginning, and next year plan for 12 weeks, or you can choose to skip something this year–the budget may smile. You have choices!
Remember that everything takes longer than you’d planned. And, to make a schedule that plans for interruptions, because they will absolutely come! Next year plan to start earlier. I recommend beginning September 1st next year. Christmas will come around again next year, too. But, this year, start now, whenever now is. What I’ve learned is, “Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans.” This year especially.
You can make positive changes to your life
You can have a calm, Christ-centered Christmas
Join me here each week to schedule 8 Weeks to a Calm Christ-Centered Christmas!
Week 2 for a Calm Christ-Centered Christmas
If you start later than these dates, you’ll just finish your preparations closer to Christmas–Read the Schedule for Week 1 here–Here’s the Schedule for Week 2: (Don’t worry if you don’t get everything done, or if come into this series late! Whatever you can get done ahead is great! Just make a plan to start earlier–or even work at it all year–next year!)
- Check your Gift Shelf for any pre-purchased gifts (have you checked out A Thankful Thoughts Journal in my store? It makes a great gift for you or a friend!) you have gotten throughout the year, and label with a sticky note, if not already done so
- Look at your gift wrap, tape, tags, and ribbon supplies and order from Amazon, Dollar Tree! With more time you may choose to set up a gift-wrap center and wrap your Christmas gifts!
- Go to Dollar Tree to pick up your order, and get additional sizes of gift bags and wrapping supplies
- Look at Dollar Tree and on Amazon for Christmas party paper supplies for your events, for stocking stuffers, hostess gifts, and other items you will need.
If you follow this schedule, you will have extra time this Christmas! Will you give to a child in need this year? Do you pack a box for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child? Pick up gifts here! Will you need napkins for Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas or New Year’s? Paper products for parties? Any White Elephant gifts? Think ahead! Don’t forget the tissue paper! Think of colors that can be used for more than one event! For example: black and white can be used for weddings, white tissue is all-purpose, blue can be used for male birthday, boy baby, graduation; purple can be used for birthdays, Christmas, wedding–plan accordingly; when you buy for Christmas, buy for the person’s birthday, as well–plan ahead.
Think through events you will attend and host
5. Decide when you will host any parties and plan backwards to figure out when you need to send invitations, so that your guests will receive them a month ahead of time. It’s a busy time of year, so people need a lot of time to plan and RSVP. They may end up having another event, if your invitation comes too late and you don’t want to not have anyone able to attend
6. Purchase Christmas Party Invitations or make your own invitations for the party, and roughly plan the event and food
7. Contact the people you will be doing activities with: e.g. cookie exchange, extended family baking, and get it on the calendar, (it’s coming remarkably fast) with details of who will be responsible for what. Share and delegate responsibilities.
8. Will you be traveling? Make your travel plans and make sure you have luggage, clothes and travel items for the trip (plan appropriate clothing if the climate is different than yours)

9. Begin to plan out the family’s clothing needs for pictures, and all the special events over the holidays
10. Make sure you’ve got all the correct Christmas Card addresses, updating your Master Christmas Card Address List in your spreadsheet or planner.
11. Look up mailing and shipping requirements/deadlines; you will need to mail any packages early if they’re going a distance
12. Consider buying gifts online (gifts for guys are especially difficult, so here are some ideas:). You can often have them delivered directly to out-of-town or out-of-state recipients–it will be easier and may save you money (Amazon will put them in a gift bag for around $4.99, I believe, and that will be cheaper than buying gift wrap, and then shipping the gift yourself); also consider if there is someone who would prefer a plant or flowers, or a gift of food that could be delivered? Be creative!
Join me each week for your schedule to a calm, Christ-centered Christmas!
This is Week 2 of the 8-week plan I have prepared for you! Join me each week here as I share the Week’s Schedule for “How to Schedule an Amazingly Calm, Christ-Centered Christmas.” Check back for Week 3 and each week! Comment with questions or share what you do! Let me know when you finish the items on the list and I’ll let you know, too, and head over to my Facebook page to share! Pictures, too!
Click on the links below to Read all the Posts in “How to Schedule for a Calm, Christ-centered Christmas” (8-Weeks’ Schedule):
- Week 1: How to Schedule an Amazingly Calm, Christ-Centered Christmas
- Week 2: 12 Steps for a Calm, Christ-centered Christmas, Week 2
- Week 3: How to Get Organized for the Holidays
- Week 4: How to Actually Have a Wonderful Christ-Centered Christmas
- Week 5: How to Keep Christmas the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
- Week 7: How to Get Organized for a More Meaningful Christmas
The goal of a Christ-centered Christmas
The goal is to draw near to God, and worship Jesus. The objective of a Calm, Christ-Centered Christmas is to focus on Christ.
Have a Great Day Making Your Home For God!

Through my Coaching and Courses, I help Christians become who God uniquely created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and achieve His goals for their lives. My message at the core is: You were uniquely created by God for a purpose. Who did He create YOU to be, and what does He have for you to do? Book a call to find out how you can be Empowered To Achieve.
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