In Part 1, we talked about the first two of 3 Steps to Deep Cleaning Your Heart, Soul and Mind. We looked at some analogies between a deeper cleaning, like fall or spring cleaning of your house, and the need for deeper cleansing of our soul. Read Part 1 here. Today we’re going to look at important habits and routines that will change your relationship with God.
Here in Part 2 we’ll look at the 3rd step in Deep Cleaning Your Heart, Soul and Mind.
Righteous Living Routines
I’d like to coin a phrase: Righteous Living Routines.
Right up front, it’s important to say that these habits don’t make us righteous! Only by the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, dying for our sins, and His resurrection from the dead 3 days later, are we saved.
Through faith in God, the Father, through Jesus Christ His Son, taking away the punishment for our sins, exchanging Christ’s righteousness for our sinfulness.
Forgiving us for all our sins through faith in Christ (and this faith is a gift of God, not by works, lest any man should boast Ephesians 2:9-10).
Saved by Grace Through Faith in Christ
- Miraculously, we’re made righteous, saved from eternal damnation in hell, and live eternally with Him in heaven.
- Secondly, doing these acts, these Routines of Righteous Living, doesn’t make us better than anyone else!
Coining the phrase Righteous Living Routines (could have called them Habits of Holiness, too) was just to grab a cute name, perhaps a tad misleading, for the spiritual routines (practices and habits) that we establish to help us to get into habits of righteous living, knowing God more, loving Him better, and obeying His commands more completely. They encourage and help us to be in right relationship with God.
Because let’s face it,
It’s easy to establish routines, or habits, of worldly living. We just get into habits that aren’t good. So easily!
- Righteous Living Routines Are Intentional
- Righteous Living Routines–you will have to be very intentional to establish them.
- Never forget we’re in a spiritual battle for our family, marriage and children. Make plans to have victory!
10 Righteous Living Routines to Establish
- Get up early and try to get up consistently at the same time each day (Consistency, NOT perfection is the goal, friend!)
- Make Studying the Bible a Daily Priority. Read the Bible following a Bible study plan, often reading it through in a year
- Pray daily and Pray for One Another. Have a plan for what to pray for each day
- Memorize Scripture
- Ask forgiveness of others immediately (Before communion each week, we’re encouraged to “examine yourself”–to search our hearts–for any unconfessed sin, and, if there is anyone who “has aught against me, to leave my gift at the altar and go and make it right.” Matthew 5:23-24 Quite frequently, on a Sunday morning, one of our family would be seen leaning over to whisper to another a word of, “Please forgive me for…”)
- Go to Church every Sunday
- Pray before meals
- Thank God for the coming day before you even get out of bed, and commit the day to Him
- Listen to Scriptural teaching (like Grace to You sermons by John MacArthur, at
- Forgive others (use your will; don’t wait for emotions) in obedience to God
What are some simple habits you have established in your life and home to help your family draw closer to God? Do you have family Scriptures you live by? Leave a comment below! I’d love to hear!
Go back and read or reread Part 1 of “3 Steps to Deep Cleaning Your Heart, Soul and Mind”!
Struggling with Prioritizing?
Like you, I’ve struggled with prioritizing. Tried to do all the things, please everyone, say yes to everything. Thought I had to be perfect, but never felt like I was “enough.”
I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and burned out. Then I learned who I was uniquely created to be and gained clarity and focus on what God’s goals for me were. I learned to be consistent at prioritizing and accomplishing His goals! I lost 50 lbs., finished Homeschooling my kids all the way through, got organized in my life & home, started a blog, and became a writer and speaker. You can prioritize consistently and accomplish God’s goals for you! I can help! Get Mastering Your Goals (course) today!
Have a Great Day Making Your Home For God!

Through my Coaching and Courses, I help Christians become who God uniquely created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and achieve His goals for their lives. My message at the core is: You were uniquely created by God for a purpose. Who did He create YOU to be, and what does He have for you to do? Book a call to find out how you can be Empowered To Achieve.​​
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In Your Home For God Store, discover resources to help you get organized, raise Godly kids, and have the support and encouragement to know who you are, know what God wants you to do to fulfill His purpose for your life, and achieve His unique goals for you!
Great article, just as what I have explained in my book The Road to Righteous Living. walking with God.