My guidelines for what to wear to please God and what I taught my children were: be neat, clean, modest, and dressed appropriately. Dressing appropriately includes some sense of what’s fashionable right now, but so much more. As I write about how to dress to please God and be fashionable for the Christian woman, in this Series on How to Care About Fashion as Christian Women, I won’t be able to answer all your questions. But, I hope I will bring some clarity to the topic. I believe that God wants each of us to go to Him, to look into His Word–the Bible–and study and dig deep for how to please Him and He’ll guide us.Â
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My goal in this series is to make us think. To raise questions, and to cause us to evaluate and pray earnestly about our appearance, our clothes, our hair, our makeup, and our hearts. It’s always a heart issue. You may not like this series. You may, as I said before, think I’m extreme in one direction or the other, and I may get very critical comments on this series. I am not coming to you as your god, telling you what to wear to please Him. That position is already taken. My desire is that we all become more Godly women. That we don’t just call Him Lord, but actually give Him Lordship over our lives–and scary as it may be, that includes our clothes, and appearance.
Can I Dress To Call Attention To Myself and Still Please God?
I’m reminded of an instance where dress was specifically mentioned, and that is the person in the Bible, John the Baptist! His clothing was extremely unique and, to a degree, called attention to itself, and he was a very Godly man! So, I’m not going to say yes or no. But, should everyone in Jesus’ day have followed John the Baptist’s clothing choices? No. People talked about how interesting his clothing and manner (eating locusts and honey) were.
Was it Elijah or Elisha who was also known immediately by his clothing? The king asked if he dressed like this and this, and then said it must be him.
New favorite Blue Jacket from Stitch Fix!
Stitch Fix has saved me so much time, energy, and money! Now is a great time to sign up for Stitch Fix because you don’t have to leave your house to shop! My stylist, Lauren, has been coming up with great fixes, and this is one of my absolute favorites from a recent fix! Sign up for Stitch Fix now! Stitch Fix For me, to be able to stay out of stores, try on clothes in the convenience and privacy of my own home and see if I have anything to wear with the item in my closet right away before buying, is ideal! It’s so easy to use and the quality of clothing means I buy better quality clothes, things I’ll actually wear, but less! Win-win! I love being able to tell my stylist exactly what I like, too. Sign up today!
How Can We Know How to Please God and Be Fashionable
My philosophy is that I’m not just the person inside, even though God says he looks at the heart and that is the more important part. But, the truth is that man does look at the outward appearance and because man looks at the outward it is important that our testimony and appearance is pure, righteous, and good. We must keep and guard a good name because we represent Jesus Christ, as Christians. Proverbs 22:1 says, “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.”
We need to be good stewards of what we have, as well. To me, that includes not only our possessions, but our looks. We should be neat and orderly, for God is a god of order, and He does everything very neatly, and in an organized way.Â
People are drawn to others because of their looks, at times. God can use our appearance to give us an opportunity to tell them about Christ. He can use our looks to put us in positions of influence, just as He did with Esther, in the Bible. God made each of us a certain way for a certain purpose. He uniquely created you and me. We should be good stewards of our bodies, and appearance, so that He can use us as He intended. It is important to listen to Him, to follow His guidance, through the Word of God, and by His Spirit, as we do.
How Do We Please God In How We Dress And Does He Care?
So many verses come to mind. “Do not have even the appearance of evil.” There’s the verse that I mentioned in the first post in this series about the attire of a harlot. The Proverbs 31 woman who was dressed in silk and purple. Lydia, the convert in the New Testament, who was a seller of purple (the wealthy were known to dress in purple). The fact that God is a god of order. And the verses where He talks about the woman, the bride, and describes in detail her embroidered dress. Also, the manner that God prescribed the priests to dress.
The care and attention to detail that God took in describing and prescribing what the priests should wear is impressive. Every facet of their dress was symbolic, of course, but God really paid attention to their dress, and it was beautiful and extremely costly.
Does God Care About What We Wear and What is Fashionable?
All of these thoughts and more come to mind as I begin writing about fashion and the Christian woman. Who do we want to please? It always comes back to the heart, doesn’t it? We need to please the Lord, of course, in what we wear. And if we are married, we need to please, and take into consideration our husband’s wishes.
We need to think about those we are spending time with and influencing, and the kind of work that we do. The argument that, “I’m going to be doing this kind of activity, so I (as a woman) must wear clothes appropriate for a man to wear or I need to dress inappropriately,” however, isn’t valid, because women in other generations did everything wearing long flowing dresses and completely covered. If we are not able to do an activity dressed as a woman should, perhaps it suggests that women are not intended to do that activity. But, that’s a whole ‘nuther topic, for a whole ‘nuther day!Â
What is feminine clothing? What clothing identifies a woman as a woman, from a distance, in our day? Is it a dress or skirt?
The fact is that I don’t intend to answer all these questions. I want you to ask questions! It’s high time we thought about what we wear in light of Scripture, and what God thinks! That’s the first step.Â
My intention is to cause you to go to the Bible and do research. Look up the verses, and the cross references. Do your own Bible Study. Talk to other women about how women dress and what God thinks about what we wear.Â
Our appearance is not restricted to the clothes we wear. We need to think about our makeup, hairstyle, accessories, everything–and pray over them.
Some will go, and have gone, too far with this. Always we want to, or are tempted to, like the Pharisees, make a rule and set down exactly what is “right” and what is “wrong.” And, then, if we follow our own rules, we’re good to go–we’re righteous. Jesus had some very harsh words for the Pharisees on this habit of theirs. The term self-righteous may apply.
Feminine Floral top (a recent fix favorite) from Stitch Fix!
Stitch Fix has saved me so much time, energy, and money! Now is a great time to sign up for Stitch Fix because you don’t have to leave your house to shop! My stylist, Lauren, has been coming up with great fixes, and this is one of my absolute favorites from a recent fix! Sign up for Stitch Fix now! Stitch Fix For me, to be able to stay out of stores, try on clothes in the convenience and privacy of my own home and see if I have anything to wear with the item in my closet right away before buying, is ideal! It’s so easy to use and the quality of clothing means I buy better quality clothes, things I’ll actually wear, but less! Win-win! I love being able to tell my stylist exactly what I like, too. Sign up today!
However, some skirts and dresses are anything but modest! Our hearts! What’s in our heart? Do we really want to please God? Do we really love our brother and sister and desire to keep from causing them to sin? This may be the crux of the matter.
The thought occurred to me today, “What will we dress like in heaven?” Jesus, in His post-resurrection body, appeared to hundreds of people. What did He look like? Apparently not different enough from them to cause a stir. He ate. He walked through walls, appearing and disappearing at will. There were some differences! As I said, there may be more questions after I’m done than there were to begin with.
Is it possible that there are activities that women are not supposed to do, if they must wear clothing that is for a man to wear in order to do that activity?
I think God likes it when we think about things, have questions, and go to the Bible to find our answers. I know He wants us to ask Him in prayer about what He thinks, and what will please Him. Let’s start there. I’ve said some controversial and provocative things already in these posts. I don’t pretend to be the last word on the subject, or that these statements are written in stone. I am seeking God and a pure heart, along with you.
Don’t you think it would please God immensely, if women all over the world, old, young, fat, skinny, of every race and color, came to the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and asked Him to show them what He wanted to see them dress like, and asked Him to be Lord over how they dress? Wow, that’s an amazing thought. And, it’s ok if it’s a different answer for each of us!
As I write this Series on How to Care About Fashion as a Christian Woman, and how to please God and be fashionable as a Christian woman, I repeat that I don’t intend to answer all of the questions you or I have. I believe that God wants each of us to come to Him and ask Him, to look into His Word, the Bible, to study, to dig deep and to find our answers there. Let me know if you do that this week!
Have a Great Day Making Your Home For God!
Through my Coaching and Courses, I help Christians become who God uniquely created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and achieve His goals for their lives. My message at the core is: You were uniquely created by God for a purpose. Who did He create YOU to be, and what does He have for you to do? Book a call to find out how you can be Empowered To Achieve.​​
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Christians are called to not be of this world.
Fashions are very worldly, so Christian women should not be interested in what the world is wearing.