Your Home For God, How-to-Create-A-Character-Evaluation-Form-and-Use-It

Your Home For God, How-to-Make-Your-Own-Character-Evaluation-Form-to-use-with-your-children

How to Make Your Own Character Evaluation Form to Use With Your Children.

I mentioned in the post, How to Make Character Evaluation Fun, that we did character evaluations. We did them with our children on a monthly basis, as part of our meeting with our Homeschool consultant in TEACH. We had the accountability of having to meet with our Homeschool consultant, which of course helped us to make sure that we did the evaluation.

I’ve created Character Evaluation Forms, so you don’t have to! Click on the image below to get yours! 

Character Evaluation Form | Your Home For God | Wendy Gunn

Having a Quiet Time’s purpose is to get to know God and become more like Him. You can grow Godly character in your family, but you have to know where you’re at first, and evaluate character, to know if you’ve improved! Here is a tool to use to begin Character Evaluation in your family! This Character Evaluation Form, in conjunction with the Character Evaluation Questions, both of which you can get FREE by subscribing, will help you begin to talk with your children about what Godly character is and evaluate character together, to achieve the goal that is so important to you–Raising Godly Kids! Character definitions are included, Bible verses, and questions to ask your children to help them evaluate their own character, and understand what true Godly character is.

Become more like Jesus!

A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids by Wendy Gunn

“A 2020 Vision For Raising Godly Kids” What you need to Raise A Godly Family

How to Do a Character Evaluation

At the beginning, if you want to keep it really simple, or you have small children, I recommend you write down perhaps five or more character qualities and make them really practical and specific. Talk to your children about character. It’s so important to talk to your children about God’s character, and what Jesus is like, from the Bible. Not what you think He is like, but what He says about Himself!

I hear so much false teaching and beliefs about God out there. Read what it says He has done, how He responded, His actions in different situations. You could make a chart, with character qualities, or emotions He displays. You will be surprised and grow in your knowledge of God. The goal is to become more like Jesus. Studying about Him and thinking about His character will help you have a greater desire to become like Him.

Your Home For God, What-Kind-of-Character-is-Godly-Character-and-how-do-you-know-if-you-have-it

How to Easily Talk About Jesus in Your Home

It’s good to read how he acts, to take note of these godly character qualities. Not all the ways that He responds or acts are things we can copy because God can get away with some things we can’t because He’s God. But, talk about that, too.

Set Goals to Copy the Character Traits of Jesus

There are many character qualities that are important for us to build, with God’s help, because it’s who He is and we want to be like Him. He wants us to become like Him and He’s working in us to make us like his Son, Jesus Christ.

Talk about this and you can’t help but talk about the Bible as you do that. So talk about the Lord, the Bible and these verses and character qualities of God. Even small children can absorb this at their own level. Then talk about setting goals and ask your children what character goals they would like to set. 

Tell them how you’re setting goals for yourself, what specific character goals you’re setting, and then be accountable to your whole family as you work on these goals. Let them know that you realize you are not perfect, but that you’re working to grow in these character qualities. Ask them to pray for you.

Create A Character Evaluation Form

If you want to go further with this, create a character evaluation form that you use to evaluate your children’s character once a month. The TEACH Institute (Homeschool Accreditation Organization) we were a part of provided a form that we filled out and used in our children’s character evaluation. Our children had to evaluate their own character as well (you can decide at what age you think your child is ready for this).

Our children were around 10 and 14 when we began to do this in a formal way. I think it can be done quite a bit younger. It was really helpful. You might think that your children are clueless about their behavior and attitudes. That they are totally ignorant of where they’re failing. But, it isn’t so.

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Join Now New Christian Homeschool Mamas Membership Group | Your Home For God

Children Will Be Pretty Honest About Their Character

One of the good things that came out of this exercise was realizing how God had convicted our children of their own sin. Your children, too, will be pretty honest when it comes to evaluating themselves.

We evaluated on a scale of one to five. If you want to do that, rather than evaluating on a scale of 1-10, it might be simpler. (One is not at all, five is completely perfect and three is in the middle.) Talk to them about what areas you could help them in. Do this in a very non-judgmental way and come up with some activities for yourself and them to work on to develop these character qualities.

My Character Evaluation Resources Available

I’m excited to share with you that I’ve created a game with Character Quality Cards that you can play to evaluate and praise the good character in your family, which will teach your children to recognize Godly character, even as it serves to build family relationships like nothing else! You can get my Character Quality Cards and the game when you subscribe to Your Home For God.

I’ve also created a list of strengths and weaknesses, specifically Biblical character qualities, and their definitions, with a Bible verse to go with each and a form you can use to evaluate yourselves and your children, just to get you started, and make it easier for you! Subscribe today to get these resources!

Get your Pretty Printable Scripture cards | Your Home For God

Click to Get Your Free Pretty Printable Scripture Cards. Use them all over your house to draw your family closer to the Lord!

Parents Need To Be Honest and Humbly Evaluate Themselves

If you talk also about your own character evaluation, and are humble before your children, it will do wonders for your relationship. The chances are high–it’s very likely, in fact–that you and your children have similar character weaknesses and character strengths. So you might be able to help them overcome their weaknesses and come up with some activities to do so, and you can hold each other accountable.

Be objective when you’re going over their character evaluation. Do it in a totally non-confrontational manner. Do it at a time when there is no tension, nothing that you’re talking to them about for doing wrong. This is not the time!

Moms, Don’t Be Defensive–It’s Not Your Fault

Don’t be defensive, moms. We can be especially sensitive because we feel like it’s all our fault. We’re to blame when their character needs work. It’s all our doing, we think. It’s all our fault if they’re not measuring up. 

Train up your child with all tenderness, affection, and patience JC Ryle

Train up your child with all tenderness, affection, and patience. J.C. Ryle

We also think it’s all due to our good parenting if they display good character! No, that’s not true. They’re individuals, with a spirit, conscience, and sin nature, and if they’ve believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, they have the Holy Spirit living in them, leading, guiding, convicting of sin, and speaking the truth to their soul about how God wants them to change.

Your Home For God, How-to-Make-Your-Own-Character-Evaluation-Form-to-use-with-your-children

How to Make Your Own Character Evaluation Form to Use With Your Children.

Treat your child as a person. Respect them as their own person. Yes, you have, of course, impacted their character, but there are many other influences also impacting their behavior and character, not to mention they have a sinful nature on the negative side, and the Holy Spirit, if saved, on the positive.

They’re individuals, with a spirit, conscience, and sin nature, and if they’ve believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, they have the Holy Spirit living in them, leading, guiding, convicting of sin, and speaking the truth to their soul about how God wants them to change.

Recognize God’s Hand At Work In Your Children

God is at work in your child’s life, no matter whether they have accepted Christ or not. But, especially if they have received Christ. I’m sure you’ve been praying for them, so there are your prayers that God is answering, too. So, when you’re evaluating them  don’t be thinking about your own weaknesses and failings, and let that influence how you respond to them.

Look at their character objectively and see where they are strong or weak. If your husband is willing, do this together, and do it with each child individually. Make it a time that is special, not a time they dread.

Whence cometh wisdom and where is the place of understanding God underrstandeth and he knoweth

Whence cometh wisdom and where is the place of understanding God underrstandeth and he knoweth.

Talk to your husband about your children’s character–pray with your husband about it–if he’s willing. It’s a great time to set up character goals. I’ve created Character Evaluation Forms for you to use and they’re free! Just click below to get yours! (You’ll also get access to all my other free Printables!) 

Have a Great Week Making Your Home For God!

P.S. Check out the resources at Christian Marriage Adventures for better communication and a stronger marriage today! 

Struggling with parenting? Here’s  my Video Course, “Raising Godly Kids”! There’s a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so there’s nothing to lose! Click to learn more!

I help overwhelmed moms grow spiritually, with joy in who God uniquely created them (and their families) to be, raise Godly kids, and get their lives organized for God’s glory, through Mentoring, Courses and Coaching.

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