Why I Compare Myself
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do I compare myself?” I think it’s because I can’t accept that God uniquely created me. With a loving purpose. To accomplish His will. And that He’s Sovereign God, and does not make mistakes! As I get older I examine my motives and heart more and more, because it’s at this core level that I can understand what God wants to do in and through me. The Bible gets straight to the heart of things, and deals with my relationship with Jesus Christ at the heart level. These are all reasons to examine the heart’s reason for why I compare myself.
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How to Accept That God Uniqu​ely Created Me
In the beginning, when Satan tempted Eve, he questioned God’s authority, His Word to them, and His truthfulness. Did God say? Satan is still doing this today. He tempts us by making us question God’s authority, His truthfulness, and His Word.
I was uniquely created by God. I was created in the image of God. I was created female. These are what God says to me in His Word in Genesis 1 and Psalm 139.
Do you believe God? If we believe God is Sovereign and has authority, take Him at His Word, believe He is truthful, and move forward on that Word obediently, a lot of our problems would be solved.
The peace and confidence that come from knowing who I am, based on God’s Word, is pretty amazing. When I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, that also answered the a host of questions. Discovering who I am in Christ, is a very important piece of the puzzle.
Studying the Bible to Accept that God Uniquely Created Me
We must all find our identity in Christ, and to do that I recommend you go to the Word of God. Very affirming. Not an emphasis on either my inadequacy (I’m too little, and not enough) or sufficiency–I am completely adequate to handle my own life and problems (I’m too much and I’m enough). Nothing there to debase me or to be proud of. Rather, truth, and a focus on Jesus Christ, the Son, and God, His Father, and the Holy Spirit.
Did God Make A Mistake?
God Uniquely Created Me–That Should Make Feel Important
Sometimes I compare myself to feel more important. This means I haven’t been reading or believing God’s Word about how much God loves me, and what He has already done for me, for how could I feel unimportant, if I have.
As we head towards Easter, thinking of the cross, Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf, and His resurrection, I want us to be thinking about His love. His great love. His sacrifice. Before we loved Him. Hebrews 12:2 says, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Why do I Compare Myself?
He loved and obeyed the Heavenly Father, and submitted Himself to the Father’s will.
God created me, has His Hand upon me, loved me enough to sacrifice His Son for me. When I keep my eyes on Jesus, I can begin to have a right perspective of myself.
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus For A Right Perspective
I love hymns. We sang “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” yesterday at church. “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”
When I keep my eyes on the Word of God and on Jesus, I don’t need to figure out how important I am. I can just rest in His love and His opinion of me. Focusing on serving Him, on loving Him, on pleasing Him. Studying to show myself approved, workman that need not be ashamed. I can find out what things are pleasing to Him in His Word. Reading them to my children, talking about these truths to my family and friends, and to others.
One of the great joys of having grown children is to have our son over and talk about Scripture with Him. His insights are profound. I love hearing how God is at work in Him. When he shares a verse or section of Scripture and how God has convicted him from it, or what He is thinking about it, how God wants to change him from it, it touches me deeply. I’m thrilled. It also convicts me.
How to Accept That God Uniqu​ely Created Me
God Uniquely Created Me–I Don’t Need To Compare Myself
When God makes something unique, such as a snowflake, wouldn’t it be ludicrous if that snowflake then compared itself to another snowflake? How can you compare the beauty and usefulness of one snowflake to another snowflake???
Sometimes I compare myself to make myself feel more humble. There are those who have what has been called a “worm mentality.” “I’m less than a worm. I don’t deserve to walk on this earth.” This is what I would call “false humility.” I don’t think it is what the Bible teaches, either. Focusing on myself too much, either way, is detrimental. Somehow focusing on serving and loving God and others seems to be the answer to comparison.
“Am I thankful for the things that I believe God did right in creating me, and also the things I think He did wrong? Or, would I have to say, in all honesty, I think God might have made a mistake when He made me?” Wendy Gunn
Gratitude Is The Response To God Uniquely Creating Me
Gratitude, as often is the case, would seem to be an antidote to comparison, and the solution to my problems. Gratitude cures a host of ills! Asking God to show me who He’s made me to be. To show me what He wants me to do, and to use me for His purposes–these are my prayers.
Thanking God in all things. Am I thankful for the things that I believe God did right in creating me, and also the things I think He did wrong? Or, would I have to say, in all honesty, I think God might have made a mistake when He made me?
Did God Make A Mistake?
God doesn’t make mistakes. There’s an amazing, and thought-provoking verse I read this week, as I read in Exodus in my daily reading. God has drawn Moses to the burning bush, and is giving him instruction as to what He’s going to send him to do. God has work for Moses to do that He’s uniquely created him to do. He’s been preparing him for a lifetime to do this special task. But, Moses feels inadequate. Moses focuses on himself, and not on God.
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Questioning God About How He Uniquely Created Me
Moses does not believe God’s Word, His truthfulness, His power, or His love. And He has the audacity to question God’s creation of Him, and His purposes in making him! He makes God angry by arguing with God, telling God that God didn’t do a proper job, a good-enough job, or an adequate job, of creating him, so he can’t possible do the assignment that God is commanding him to do. He argues with God about doing what God has assigned him to do!!!!!
Exodus 4:11: “And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the Lord?”
Why do I Compare Myself?
Have you ever questioned God about how He created you? Or your child?
I hope it encourages and comforts you this week to think that God knew exactly what He was doing when He created you the way He did! And, He had a purpose in creating your children the way He has created them. Some of the most difficult aspects of parenting might be because you can’t see your child as an adult. You cannot see now how that personality quirk, characteristic, or way of seeing things, that is present in your child now, is going to be the very thing when that child grows up to be an adult that God will use to glorify Himself the most!
Learn To Praise God and Obey Him and Stop Questioning
Teaching yourself and your child to just believe God and obey Him is the most important thing. Learning to persevere, work hard, and finish a task are more essential lessons than the math or science problems that you think are so important. Learning to praise God for how He made me and work with Him to make myself the best I can be, according to His will, are eternal assignments.
I find we Homeschooling moms tend to be too controlling. Arrogantly thinking we know exactly what our children should look like, do, and believe.
Letting go sooner, trusting God with the outcome, as Dr. Jeff Myers said in his talk in the Homeschool Summits Teaching 2.0 online conference, are key to helping our child have a right perspective on who he is in Christ, and being used by God for His purposes.
I find we Homeschooling moms tend to be too controlling. Arrogantly thinking we know exactly what our children should look like, do, and believe.
Wendy Gunn
You and I need to accept and say to ourselves, “God uniquely created me.” There is no one like you. No one like your child. No one like me. Why do I compare myself? Say with me right now, “I will thank God today for His uniquely created purpose in me and ask Him to fulfill His purposes today, as I seek to please, serve, and love Him, and the others He has placed in my life, and say, thank You, God, that You uniquely created me!”
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Have a Great Week Making Your Home For God!
I help overwhelmed young Christian moms have clarity and consistency prioritizing God’s unique goals for their home, family, and life through my courses and coaching.
Struggling with Prioritizing?
Like you, I’ve struggled with prioritizing. Tried to do all the things, please everyone, say yes to everything. Thought I had to be perfect, but never felt like I was “enough.”
I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and burned out. Then I learned who I was uniquely created to be and gained clarity and focus on what God’s goals for me were. I learned to be consistent at prioritizing and accomplishing His goals! I lost 50 lbs., finished Homeschooling my kids all the way through, got organized in my life & home, started a blog, became a writer and speaker. You can achieve prioritizing and accomplish God’s goals for you and I can help! Get this Prioritizing God’s Unique Goals For You Bundle today!
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