Uniquely Created You
My message to you is very simple, but will change your life if you can embrace it! God uniquely created you so special, you are like no other human being on earth! There’s a reason for that, and it’s amazing.
God Uniquely Created The Dreams in Your Heart
People-watching is a favorite pastime of mine. I am fascinated by people. My trip to Europe gave me many opportunities for people-watching! This was a trip of a lifetime with my husband and my grown children: my son, daughter and son-in-law. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been fascinated by people from other countries. And, I have had a love of traveling. A long time ago, a seed was planted that grew into a dream in my heart to go to Europe. Did you know your dreams are a part of what makes you special, and sometimes God puts dreams in your heart? When you have a dream in your heart, do these three things:
- Check Scripture to make sure your dream doesn’t violate God’s Word
- Surrender your dream to the Lord
- Give your expectations to God, so that if your dream comes true you’re thankful, and if it doesn’t, you’re thankful, knowing that God knows what’s best for you, and has withheld it for a reason. Psalm 62: “My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.”
If you are a person who dreams big dreams, and wonders if they’ll ever come true, the story of this trip to Italy is a story you’ll love. I promise I’ll tell you all about it later, but I encourage you to pray about your dreams, and save money for your dreams, if it will require an investment of money–make your plans, so you’re ready, when and if God says Yes! But, as I was saying, I love people-watching! And, on this trip, I did a lot of people watching–a lot!
Each Unique Created Person Is One Who Needs Christ
I was in Rome, at the Coliseum, the Pantheon, the Vatican, and St. Peter’s Basilica, and the crowds were astounding. People from all over the world, speaking so many different languages! Watching crowds of travelers at airports and tourist sites, I was struck by the fact that each one was uniquely created by God and known intimately by Him.
It is staggering to think that in all the world there is no one just like me. Or you. Let that sink in.
You have uniquely-created gifts and talents, dreams and desires. There are also uniquely-created things you’re not good at. We all have them.
God Uniquely Created You For A Relationship With Him
Not only among that crowd of people is there no one just like you or me, but God wants a one-of-a-kind relationship with you and with me. And, because He is infinitely creative, Sovereign, Powerful and Loving, He can accomplish that feat! He can have a unique, personal relationship with me and with you, and with each and every person, that is not like anyone else’s on earth!
But, it even gets better. God uniquely created you and me so that we don’t have to look at anyone else and try to be more like them, because God has a unique and amazing purpose for the uniquely created person He made us to be.
Our Sovereign God Orchestrates Uniquely Created Life Events
Every relationship and experience that we have ever had in our life, or will ever have, good or bad, He made (or allowed to happen), and can and will use. He has a purpose and a plan to use them, to use us, to bring glory to Himself and to make a difference in this world. To impact people for Christ. If we will yield to Him, and allow Him to do it. This is what gives me goosebumps.
What Difference Does That Make in Your Day?
What difference does that make in day-to-day life? Well, it means that you can stop comparing yourself to others. You can stop trying to be someone else. And so can I. Why should I try to be like Sally, or Lisa, or Sarah, or Amy or Jami? Or anyone else, for that matter. I can stop trying to measure up to their gifts and personalities! Their opportunities, and life circumstances. I was created differently! And so were you! And, that’s ok!
You were given specific gifts and talents, specific opportunities, and life circumstances, that God knows you will need to mold you into who He wants you to be and to make you usable for the purposes He has for you.
You don’t have to be the amazing cook, bargain-hunter, organizational genius, or the wife or mom or influencer that someone else is. What peace that gives.
I Can Stop Comparing! I Am Completely and Uniquely Created!
You don’t have to, and in fact, God doesn’t want you to, have the relationship with Him that they have! He wants you to have a very special relationship with Him, that will draw you closer to Him, make you more like Him, but in a uniquely-created-you way, and He has a plan for me, and you–a plan for our life–that is not going to look like anyone else’s! I hope that encourages you as much as it does me.
God Has No Intention Of Your Going It Alone
But, don’t get me wrong. You were not created to go it alone.
God designed us to need others, to work together, to depend on one another, to disciple and mentor others, and to be discipled and mentored, to learn from others. We’re not perfect, and won’t be until we see Christ in heaven.
So, He’s working on us, to change us, and He uses people to do that, through their teaching and example. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 11:1 even told his readers to be like him and follow what he was doing. “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.”
That’s why I started this blog–to help and mentor you! My passion is to help you know without a doubt how uniquely created you are by God, and to find your purpose, to raise Godly kids, and to make the difference that God created you to make in this world! To make Your Home–your spiritual life, your physical home, your family, and your body–For God! A Homeschool-Mom Mentor with Encouragement, Experience, and Empathy.
When I Was Raising My Kids I Was So Wrong
I have copied other moms’ lives and gotten way off in the wrong direction in my life. Is it possible you are doing this, too? Our motives are good! We want to be a good wife, a good mom, to please God, and live a life that makes a difference in this world!
Have you done what I did? You don’t know what to do, so you look at the friend next to you, and copy her, because she’s doing something well. But, she’s in the same boat as you, and though she may be doing some things right, you don’t know how her full-grown fruit will turn out! God tells us to look at the full-grown fruit of people and follow older women whose children are grown, when you choose your mentors. (Titus 2)
God Gave Me A Husband Who Recognizes We Are Uniquely Created
We are prone to look at Social Media and Pinterest and get ideas and try to implement them. We read about something on Facebook, we talk to a friend at church, we hear about the latest idea, we perk up our ears when we hear how they started doing something that’s “changed their life” or, at least, it seems to be so successful. It’s working so great with their family, you hear. It looks so wonderful–it does!–and so we try to make our husband get on board with implementing it in our family, too.
I want to praise God right here and now that I have a husband who doesn’t let me run things. He is not a husband who is swayed by what other families are doing. Praise God!!! (I didn’t feel that way at the time we were raising our kids, but I’m so very grateful now!) In fact, if I wanted to do some new thing because one of my friends was doing it, or I’d heard about some “new fad” (his phrase) or “the latest guru” (as he is wont to call anyone who encouraged me to do something:) has recommended that I should make some change, that may be exactly what turns him off from doing it!
I used to envy women whose husbands “trusted them and respected their opinion” so much. Now I see I have been protected, and my husband is leading our family, and we would have gone astray more than once if I had been allowed to influence our direction in this way.
If your husband is the kind to let you convince him to do what your friend is doing in their family or what you see others do, I’m going to especially warn you–stop looking at what others are doing! God does not work this way! If God has something for your family to do or a direction He wants you to go, He will lead through your husband! Yes, you can tell your husband about things, but back off from leading and influencing! And, if your husband’s easily persuaded, especially beware and don’t use that!
God has a uniquely created plan for you and your family! You are going to MISS God’s plan for your life and family if you are copying what other moms and families are doing!!! But, mine was definitely not that kind of husband. I tried, nevertheless, to convince him, so I understand the temptation completely.
Maybe your friend’s family has a family ministry, or they are involved in some sport or hobby, volunteer work or business, or they’ve adopted a child. We take the different good things that we see all around us, in other families, and we set up an image of what we think is the perfect woman–the perfect way to live our lives–the perfect family, that we think we should be.
And then we spend all our time and energy, money, and effort trying to make our life and our family fit that image. Hoping it will be a righteous life, hoping it will mean, in the end, that we’re a good wife and mom, and that we’re pleasing to God, and that we’ve made a difference.
God’s Not-So-Uniquely-Created Will For You
When I was younger, I wanted to grow in Christ. Desperately. I wanted to make a difference in this life. I still do, and that’s a good thing. That’s one of the good things that God has put within me. I’m always looking for the next spiritual growth opportunity. Thirsty. Hungering after righteousness. But, I did what I described above. I was fortunate that God brought into my life some Godly people, and He definitely had every intention for me to grow. In faith, in Christ-likeness, in obedience. To know Him more, to love Him more, and to be more abundantly bearing fruit for Him. That’s His plan for you, too, by the way.
Learn From Others, But Embrace That God Uniquely Created You
I met new friends and wanted their spiritual maturity, their understanding of the Word of God, their children who I was so impressed with and thought were so respectful and hardworking, and, well, cool! I watched the way their families interacted together, and the impact that each of their families was having for Christ. I wanted their amazing Christian lives! So, I began to ask questions, to learn from them. And, I began to copy them.
This was probably alright up to this point. But, I went way further than this, and I see many women doing this, and want to hopefully help you avoid the mistake that I made! When we set up this image of what this perfect woman is, and what her family looks like, we are setting up a god. An idol.
What Idols Have You Set Up?
This image is of our own making, and it’s not led of God, and there may be parts of it that are good, but it’s fruit is based on our work, and the false idea that there IS a perfect woman, and a perfect family, and that, by following a set of steps made up by me, or adding certain elements or activities to my life, I can obtain righteousness! Perfection!
Where do you see that in Scripture? You don’t. In fact, in Scripture, most of the people’s lives were pretty messy. Life was messy–at least for the heroes of the faith. Well, you see this example in the Law. And Christ died and rose again fulfilling the Law, because we never could do it perfectly and so a sacrifice had to be made over and over again until Christ, the Perfect Lamb of God, was sacrificed in payment for our sins, and accepted by God, the Father, pardoning us from our sins. And when we trust in His death and resurrection, His payment in full for our sins–having faith in Jesus Christ alone, we are saved. Made righteous. That’s His work, though, not mine.
Get Your Eyes Off Of People And On To Jesus
God wants to lead you and me. He wants us to have our eyes on Him. Your life and your family and who He uniquely created you to be is a fluid and changing thing. Everything that happens in your life is part of the process of transforming you into the vessels for His glory that He’s designed you to be. He’s making you more usable, day by day.
That means that all of life has a purpose in making us the person and family He’s designed for His glory. My husband losing his job, the ovarian cancer I had, the miscarriage, the deaths of my mom, dad, brother and sister. And even going through a pandemic. The happy times, as well: wonderful family times, a faithful marriage lasting over 40 years so far, great friends, the missions trips we were blessed to take, the kids we were privileged to Homeschool all the way through.
God’s Writing A Unique Story In Your Life
It’s all part of who I am uniquely created to be. Part of my testimony and the relationship I have with God. Even what God taught me when I was seeking to know what it meant to be a woman of God has been used of Him. Because my friends were doing such and such, I thought I needed to do that, too.
I set up “standards of righteousness” for what it means to be a Godly wife and mom, based on watching my friends. If I did the things I’d established as righteousness, I was doing well as a wife and mom. And, if I didn’t, well, then I was failing.
What Makes the Uniquely-Created You, A Godly Woman?
Don’t laugh, but the things I’d established as making me a Godly woman were things like making my own bread from my own ground wheat berries, and having a perfectly organized, clean house. Making food from scratch, listening to certain Christian women (and following the advice of those particular people), reading certain books. Dressing modestly, according to a standard set by others. Memorizing certain portions of Scripture.
These things were good things, don’t get me wrong. They just didn’t make me more righteous in God’s sight! And, I had my eyes on people, instead of God. All of the things I learned through this period of time is part of my message, part of what I share with young wives and moms, and it is part of the uniquely-created person God has made me to be.
The Potter Uniquely Created You
It reminds me of a Bible verse about the Potter and the clay. Have you seen a potter working with clay? The clay is constantly changing from the skillful pressure and movement of the potter’s hands.
That is the picture I want to give you of your Christian life, and where you should desire to be. In the Hands of God, Whose Hands are skillfully applying pressure and molding your life through trials, obstacles, difficulties, relationship issues, joys, sorrows, inabilities, abilities, feelings of inadequacy, emotions, successes, and failures, and every little thing that happens in your life.
What Is God Using To Mold You
And as you submit to Him, as you rest in those Hands, and come to Him (through reading His Word and prayer) for wisdom and direction–minute by minute, day by day–He molds you.
Thank Him for each good and bad thing, realize He is in control, He is molding you and your family. He knows just what is best. He changes you and your family.
This submission and molding and changing requires getting to know God. It requires spiritual growth. Faith. Knowing His Word. Obeying it. Each of us will have different circumstances, unique life lessons. You and I have a mix of personalities in our family as unique as a snowflake, you are living in a particular location in the world different from me, you have a certain number of children, your own husband, and most of all, God has a uniquely created and special purpose for each of our lives. With that set of variables, do you know how many possible outcomes there are, mathematically, for each one of us?
A Uniquely-Created Message Only You Can Communicate
Look to Him for your uniquely-created purpose. As you apply His Word to your experiences, problems, and your unique set of issues, big and little, you will develop a testimony, a message. You’ll develop a stronger faith in the Sovereign God and Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and you’ll find your unique message for the world. It’s one-of-a-kind and special. And, there’s no one on earth who can communicate it, but you.
God made you unique and special. The world needs the you that God made you to be. Be you.
Have a Great Day Making Your Home For God!
Through my Coaching and Courses, I help Christians become who God uniquely created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and achieve His goals for their lives. My message at the core is: You were uniquely created by God for a purpose. Who did He create YOU to be, and what does He have for you to do? Book a call to find out how you can be Empowered To Achieve.
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I have 4 kids and no husband.
Always warms my heart to see faith bloggers! Thanks for stressing how uniquely God created each of us. 🙂
Thanks, Logan! I get kind of passionate about this subject:)